In California, cities and counties are gearing up for the onslaught of marriage licenses and weddings that will take place as soon as the Supreme Court makes it decision.
The truth is, if the Courts strike down Prop 8, same-sex marriage wins. If the Courts fail to strike down Prop 8, the California Supreme Court decision to strike down Prop 8 still stands, and same-sex marriage has a historic victory in California, and the dominos will begin to fall all around this nation, as EVERY state will have a form of same-sex marriage by the end of the year (of course these are my opinions).
What I have found interesting is that here in the "Land of Fruits, Nuts and Flakes [California]" the public opinion poll supporting same-sex marriage has swung from being a negative thing to a positive thing, in just five years. Meaning, according to recent polls, even if the LGBT community had to put same-sex marriage up for a vote, again, it would now win with something like 60% of the popular vote.
That is simply amazing to me....oh, well, I have been amazed with the rapid fall and decline of our nation's morals and values over the last twenty to thirty years anyhow. This is not the America I was born and raised in, and it breaks my heart to see how it has changed for the worse. If someone would have told me thirty years ago, that this would be the way our nation believes, I would have bet the way [and yes, I know betting is not Christian].
If you hear a loud "Whoopee!" coming from west of your home on Wednesday morning, it is because the state and the LGBT community have won the first round of normalizing same-sex marriage [in California, and possibly the rest of this nation]. :tear:
FINALLY, my biggest fear is that it will not be long before preaching against homosexuality [like in Canada] will be a hate crime, and pastors may have to conduct weddings if asked by same-sex couples. Would you be willing to face charges for refusing to conduct same-sex weddings, or would you like myself, simply give up your ministers license?
The truth is, if the Courts strike down Prop 8, same-sex marriage wins. If the Courts fail to strike down Prop 8, the California Supreme Court decision to strike down Prop 8 still stands, and same-sex marriage has a historic victory in California, and the dominos will begin to fall all around this nation, as EVERY state will have a form of same-sex marriage by the end of the year (of course these are my opinions).
What I have found interesting is that here in the "Land of Fruits, Nuts and Flakes [California]" the public opinion poll supporting same-sex marriage has swung from being a negative thing to a positive thing, in just five years. Meaning, according to recent polls, even if the LGBT community had to put same-sex marriage up for a vote, again, it would now win with something like 60% of the popular vote.
That is simply amazing to me....oh, well, I have been amazed with the rapid fall and decline of our nation's morals and values over the last twenty to thirty years anyhow. This is not the America I was born and raised in, and it breaks my heart to see how it has changed for the worse. If someone would have told me thirty years ago, that this would be the way our nation believes, I would have bet the way [and yes, I know betting is not Christian].
If you hear a loud "Whoopee!" coming from west of your home on Wednesday morning, it is because the state and the LGBT community have won the first round of normalizing same-sex marriage [in California, and possibly the rest of this nation]. :tear:
FINALLY, my biggest fear is that it will not be long before preaching against homosexuality [like in Canada] will be a hate crime, and pastors may have to conduct weddings if asked by same-sex couples. Would you be willing to face charges for refusing to conduct same-sex weddings, or would you like myself, simply give up your ministers license?
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