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In all that dust in this video, you could tell there was no smoke or other sign of an explosion at the bottom?![]()
Watch the collapse starting at 3:00 here:
There is no smoke or other sign of an explosion at the bottom. As for any supposed "first hand reports of underground explosions," by whom and where were they? When Walter Lord interviewed Titanic survivors before publishing his 1955 book, most of them who got into the lifeboats claimed they were in the last one launched, which was not possible. That's how much competence is in "first hand reports" of people in emergency situations. [Puncho, what's you theory of who conspired to sink the Titanic?]
“[T]here was just an explosion [in the south tower]. It seemed like on television [when] they blow up these buildings. It seemed like it was going all the way around like a belt, all these explosions.”
–Firefighter Richard Banaciski
“I saw a flash flash flash [at] the lower level of the building. You know like when they demolish a building?”
–Assistant Fire Commissioner Stephen Gregory
“t was [like a] professional demolition where they set the charges on certain floors and then you hear ‘Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop’.”
–Paramedic Daniel Rivera
For the benefit of any of the rest of you who might think there actually is something to what Poncho says, just do a quick Google search on anything he has posted and you can find responses using genuine facts that debunk every point completely.
You may want to read up on Occam's Razor.
Why would any CT do that?
They depend on coming up with a theory of what happened and trying to make the facts fit the event.
It never works, but that never deters them.
They then try to tell everyone who disagrees that they are too stupid to see the "truth", that only they are all seeing and all knowing. It's all about shutting up the opposition, ala the alinski school.
You have publicly accused Americans in positions of power of plotting to destroy the towers and attack the Pentagon, killing several thousand other Americans in the process and permanently devastating of the lives of the family members and friends that those victims left behind.
Watch the collapse starting at 3:00 here:
There is no smoke or other sign of an explosion at the bottom. As for any supposed "first hand reports of underground explosions," by whom and where were they? When Walter Lord interviewed Titanic survivors before publishing his 1955 book, most of them who got into the lifeboats claimed they were in the last one launched, which was not possible. That's how much competence is in "first hand reports" of people in emergency situations. [Puncho, what's you theory of who conspired to sink the Titanic?]
I showed you video and photographic evidence of smoke at the bottom of one of the WTC buildings. I showed you evidence that thermite can indeed melt steel despite what the corporate sponsored "debunkers" claimed. I showed you video and oral testimony of explosions by people on the scene including fire fighters and police that was ignored by NIST. I showed you how NIST ignored evidence of molten steel including video and photographic evidence, eye witness testimony, written reports and NASA imagery. I showed you that NIST was forced to admit that WTC 7 did indeed collapse at free fall speed for the first few seconds and I introduced you to the high school physics teacher, David Chandler that forced NIST to change it's story by using free software available to any high school physics student. I showed you how NIST was able to rule out evidence of explosives by not looking for evidence of explosives.
I introduced or reintroduced you to Newton's laws that the "hijackers" would have had to suspend on the day of 9/11/2001 in order to cause the total collapse of three steel framed buildings with two airliners at or near free fall speed. I showed you the testimony of the engineers that designed the WTC towers to withstand several impacts from comparable fully loaded airliners. I reminded you of how the crime scene was quickly destroyed at ground zero which in itself was a crime. I showed you the 11 characteristics one would expect to see in a controlled demolition. I showed you how the government fought against having any investigation into the biggest crime/mass murder ever committed on American soil. I showed you how the media told us by who and why the crime was committed in a matter of minutes before the first tower collapsed or any investigation had taken place. I showed you how the 9/11 Commission was set up to fail from the beginning and led by a Bush administration insider that had the conclusion already written up before the commission even held it's first meeting. I even showed you how the FEMA report contradicts NIST's report on WTC 7 and how the 9/11 Commission chose to stop investigating the insider trading after it found that it couldn't be traced to Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. I showed you that there has been no investigation into or even discussion about the trillions of dollars Donald Rumsfeld admitted was "missing" from the Pentagon on 9/10/2001.
And I also showed you other things that I haven't mentioned above.
[Alsnott, got a rational explanation why NIST, the 9/11 Commission and the corporate media would overlook (ignore) so much evidence and Newton's laws to make the government's "official story" seem plausible?]
But you showed no evidence that any of the things you theorized about actually happened. End of story.
Bottom line, you have no proof of anything, just conspiracy theories ad nauseum.
I take it this is your way of admitting you're afraid to take up the challenge to "debunk" the "thermite theory" completely point by point.
Nothing to debunk. It's a theory.
Produce evidence that's what happened.
The "official story" is a theory.
The official story is that a plane crashed into each tower and they both eventually collapsed. I saw it with my own eyes, as did millions of others.
The burden of proof is on you to prove the planes did not cause the collapse by proving that something or someone else did. You haven't and you can't. When you can, get back to me.
End of story.
So far you all you've managed to do is deny all the evidence that shows how your theory cannot be correct.