Thom Ranier has an excellent blog which I read daily. He often addresses issues that are akin to what we discuss here on the BB.
One recurring issue is the differences between the way church members view the job of a pastor and the way pastors view the job of a pastor.
A few weeks ago he posted this very thought provoking blog on how much time a pastor should spend on his job and how long his workweek should be-
I think many church members do not understand the demands of the pastorate. It is as physically, spiritually and mentally demanding a job as any I have ever had, and I have managed one business and had my own for a while.
It's not whining or complaining- it's just a fact that even the Apostle Paul acknowledged- the ministry is different from any other job out there.
One recurring issue is the differences between the way church members view the job of a pastor and the way pastors view the job of a pastor.
A few weeks ago he posted this very thought provoking blog on how much time a pastor should spend on his job and how long his workweek should be-
I think many church members do not understand the demands of the pastorate. It is as physically, spiritually and mentally demanding a job as any I have ever had, and I have managed one business and had my own for a while.
It's not whining or complaining- it's just a fact that even the Apostle Paul acknowledged- the ministry is different from any other job out there.