NaasPreacher (C4K)
Well-Known Member
God cares about how things are done, there are 40 Chapters dedicated to the Tabernacle alone, and a lot to do with specifics (this cubit that cubit etc.)
Are we not the Tabernacle of the Holy Ghost?
What kind of Christian are you that you would dare say God does not care about every area of our lives?
We are to be Holy as he is Holy, Whether ye eat or drink or WHATSOEVER ye do, do ALL to the glory of God.
Colossians 3:16, Eph 5:19:
Is 80s alternative psalms, hymns, or spiritual?
C4K if you honestly are going to argue for this type of music than I can no longer dialogue with you.
Clearly you think it's ok for a Christian to do whatever he wants,
What then shall we sin that grace may abound?
It is pretty obvious that you are not interested in dialogue and that this thread was designed only to condemn those who disagree with you. In the other thread you ignored a couple of my questions about classical music my ungodly composers and why style of dance the Hebrew people used to worship God. You seem much quicker to question my faith than to dialogue.
If you could give one piece of Biblical evidence that God does not approve of the music style you (and I) don't like you might have a point. But you can't produce any Bible evidence that rhythm, syncopation, or anticipated beat are sinful your arguments have merit you would have every right to question.
But you can't. All you have is opinion.
I rarely respond to personal attacks - but I am deeply offended as your brother in Christ that you say it is obvious that I think Christians can do whatever they want. You know nothing about my life or my walk with the Lord.
I appreciate your youthful fervour for The Lord. I will be praying that as you learn and mature and grow the importance of 'what saith the Lord' will replace men's views and opinions.
Christians who disagree with you are not your enemies. Christians who listen to music you don't like are not your enemies. If you limit yourself to only those who agree with you you are going to miss the marvellous blessing of the diversity of the body of Christ.
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