I've posted this before, but in a longer post. Please read this condensed version. [I know ... my condensed version is someone else's novel]
I've taught several students over the years with varying degrees of autism and Asperger's. My brother has Asperger’s. I’ve had to deal – as a moderator with autistic members at another forum.
Odds are, you will come across these people on message boards. Perhaps they've been diagnosed and they know and it's common knowledge or perhaps they haven't been diagnosed or don't want to share that information. You and I can't diagnose anyone who hasn't seen a doctor, but you and I can approach a person according to symptoms we see.
Characteristics of people on the high end of the autistic scale – Asperger’s and more.
A person with Asperger syndrome may have trouble understanding the emotions of other people. Because of this, people with Asperger syndrome might be mistakenly perceived as being egotistical, selfish or uncaring. People with Asperger's syndrome are usually surprised when told their actions were hurtful or inappropriate.
I know .... I KNOW from first hand experience how difficult it can be trying to get someone with Asperger's to understand what you are saying. And sometimes, it's best to say nothing. Sometimes, it's best to say a little. And other times, rebukes have to be made - but when that happens it must be done with the above characteristics in mind.
Maybe I'm wrong ..... but for years here, I have seen this as plain as the nose on my own face and have not always acted with patience. I need not say more about what I am trying to say.
I've taught several students over the years with varying degrees of autism and Asperger's. My brother has Asperger’s. I’ve had to deal – as a moderator with autistic members at another forum.
Odds are, you will come across these people on message boards. Perhaps they've been diagnosed and they know and it's common knowledge or perhaps they haven't been diagnosed or don't want to share that information. You and I can't diagnose anyone who hasn't seen a doctor, but you and I can approach a person according to symptoms we see.
Characteristics of people on the high end of the autistic scale – Asperger’s and more.
- Adults with Asperger syndrome may experience a range of problems, including difficulties in negotiating friendships and relationships, and finding a suitable job.
- average or above-average intelligence
- difficulties with high-level language skills such as verbal reasoning, problem solving, making inferences and prediction
- difficulties in empathizing with others
- problems with understanding another person’s point of view
- difficulties engaging in social routines such as conversations and ‘small talk’
- problems with controlling feelings such as anger, depression and anxiety
- a preference for routines and schedules which can result in stress or anxiety if a routine is disrupted
- specialized fields of interest or hobbies.
- they are very literal and figures of speech and figurative language that to you and I make perfect sense only confuse the person with Asperger's
- jokes only make sense if they are the ones telling it and understand it ahead of time
A person with Asperger syndrome may have trouble understanding the emotions of other people. Because of this, people with Asperger syndrome might be mistakenly perceived as being egotistical, selfish or uncaring. People with Asperger's syndrome are usually surprised when told their actions were hurtful or inappropriate.
I know .... I KNOW from first hand experience how difficult it can be trying to get someone with Asperger's to understand what you are saying. And sometimes, it's best to say nothing. Sometimes, it's best to say a little. And other times, rebukes have to be made - but when that happens it must be done with the above characteristics in mind.
Maybe I'm wrong ..... but for years here, I have seen this as plain as the nose on my own face and have not always acted with patience. I need not say more about what I am trying to say.