Points south of the Rio Grande had us beat by a good hundred years. Google up colonial spanish racial charts.
Racism has existed since we've recorded history. The age of sail or age of discovery caused a great increase of contact between races. And we know what followed. People before were just as racist, they just had very limited interactions with other races.
Look at other places and times before the USA, Spanish vs Saracen, Arab vs African, Jews in Europe, Roman vs just about everyone else. Horrible racism recorded in their writings and actions.
Racism has existed since we've recorded history. The age of sail or age of discovery caused a great increase of contact between races. And we know what followed. People before were just as racist, they just had very limited interactions with other races.
Look at other places and times before the USA, Spanish vs Saracen, Arab vs African, Jews in Europe, Roman vs just about everyone else. Horrible racism recorded in their writings and actions.