Well-Known Member
The final harvest is the end of Adam's offspring. All humanity is killed. This punishment will only last for 6,000 years.He destroys His enemies and there are still nations to rule over. So sorry, no great fire that destroys the world at all when He returns.
Changed in the sense that they are saved. Not that they disappear or some such.
So the bible says there must be a temple there, and that nothing could possibly destroy it before the end. Chapter and verse?
? No one has ever or ever will keep the law. That will not be what saves them.
Not sure what you think harvest means in that context.
You seem to be thinking that when harvest is mentioned, that means some sort of sky ride? No. The wicked are killed right here. The stench will be bad.
Chapter and verse?
Sorry, that is gibberish.
Adam only lived about 930 years so there was no first 2000 years of him being punished. The nations no more oversaw some 'punishment' of Adam than they do now. Nations are just sinners in a group and area.
I think I'll cut of the reply here since you have descended into strangeness. By the time Jesus returns, notice that He comes with His saints. That means that they were already removed from earth before that time. There will also be plenty of flesh and blood left when He returns. The ones who fight Him will be killed, and the others will be alive. There will still be nations on earth that we rule over. So that business about folks born of Adam and Eve ceasing to exist seems bizarre.
That any one thinks humanity will keep going in Adam's fallen nature are wrong.
Chapter 10 explains that the Thunders happen between the 6th and 7th Trumpet. Revelation 10:4-7
"And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets."
After the 6th Trumpet in chapter 9, we see that the 7 Thunders sound, but John is not allowed to add them to the text. From that point on until chapter 11, and verse 15, John is pointing out what will happen during the 7th Trumpet.
The 7th Trumpet brings to an end Daniel's 70th week. The 7th Trumpet brings to an end Adam's flesh and blood. Call it gibberish, but it will happen. No human flesh will be left alive when the 7th Trumpet stops sounding. All the OT prophecy will be at an end, except what is written about the new earth and heaven to start the 1000 year reign in Revelation 20.
The 6th Seal is literally going to rearrange heaven and earth. No more spiritual blindness. What happened when Adam sinned and the destruction of Noah's Flood, will be reversed. All the stars will come to earth as angels. All the continents will be brought back into one. There will be nothing separating those on earth from how life was before the Flood. Before the Flood, the sons of God walked the earth and there was no separation of physical and spiritual. The sons of God became physically corrupted from Adam's offspring of corruptible flesh. They all were destroyed in the Flood except 8 people. 4 being males directly descended from Adam and Eve. At the Second Coming all of Adam's sinful corrupted offspring will have to die. Some will be changed and resurrected to repopulate the earth with permanent incorruptible physical bodies, but not the full glorified image of God. These will rule over their national ethnic families for 1000 years.
The final harvest is to remove souls from Adam's corrupted flesh back into the sons of God bodies. There will be no sin nor sin nature for this reason: Daniel 9:24
"Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy."
The 7th Trumpet completes all these promises. The 1000 year reign is the Day of the Lord set aside for Holiness. It is this kingdom that Christ hands back per 2 Corinthians 15. Death being the last enemy. Until the 7th Trumpet, prophecy can not be complete. The end of Adam's flesh, and the punishment of sin is also listed as being complete and no longer required.
That is definitely not part of the here and now. People claiming to know God cannot even agree on these basic truths.
As for those who choose to be beheaded during the 42 months mentioned in Revelation 13, that is the only way to save your soul. No profession of faith. One will literally have to beg to have their head chopped off to remain in the Lamb's book of life, and be resurrected into the 1000 year reign with Christ. Definitely not the way one currently joins the family of God in the second birth. Only those born the second time, a spiritual birth will be part of the church and enter Paradise. Those beheaded are not part of the church. Perhaps at the end of the 1000 years, but no verses to prove that.
The rapture and Second Coming happen at the 6th Seal for the church. All the souls harvested after that in the Trumpets and Thunders are not the church, but will live on earth in resurrected bodies in Revelation 20:4.
At each judgment there is listed a percentage of who will physically stop living in Adam's flesh and blood. In the Seals it is 25%. In the Trumpets is goes up to 33%. If the Thunders holds to the increase, the next will be 50%. If you start out with 8 billion, you loose 2 billion in the Seals. 6 billion are left. In the Trumpets another 2 billion, and 4 billion are left. In the Thunders you loose 2 billion. According to the world census 2 billion claim Christianity. Obviously not all are, but that is your last 2 billion, and the church leaves first. So is the church included in the 25% dead in the Seals, or not counted at all as dying since most do not consider the rapture as dying, but being changed in mid-air.
If there is a world war that breaks out soon and 2 billion die, and then 2 billion are raptured, that does not leave but half the population even before the Trumpets start sounding. If there are still 6 billion left after the Second Coming, that means 2 billion people are apt to choose to be beheaded.
It just means more people start out on earth in the Millennium, who would have otherwise been raptured into Paradise as the church. So whoever thought up the plan that only those who survive will be redeemed at Armageddon, were not basing it on the book of Revelation. Only those who have their heads cut off remain in the book of life. Those at Armageddon are the only humans left on earth. And they all die. That is the numbers given in Revelation. All those listed at the 6th Seal are still all those left alive at Armageddon. They were only offered death at each step of the final harvest. And billions died during each set of harvests.
Revelation 6:15
"And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;"
Revelation 19:18
"That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great."
"And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh."
No one raptured here.
Adam brought sin and death into this world. Jesus Christ as Prince will remove every last crumb of sinful flesh from off the earth. The last enemy is death, not sin. Sin will be finished at the Second Coming, and the end of the 7th Trumpet. Death on the other hand, defeated when fire destroys those last humans who accept Satan over God, and their deaths are the last of Death.