“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month...”
Dr. Andrew Snelling, with Answers in Genesis, in 2009 in a video called “The Flood: The Big Picture of its Mechanism and Resulting Evidences,” list five events that happened all at once after God shut the door on the ark.
A. The ocean floor ripped apart and the continent was ripped up. Genesis 7:11
B. Where the cold ocean floor met the supercontinental crust, there was a rupture, and the old ocean floor sank underneath the busted up continental plates. Today’s ocean floor is totally new.
C. As the cold material on the ocean floor sank down, it caused warm material from the earth’s core to push up.
D. The hot rock from underneath had water in it and also mixed with ocean water to cause massive steam jets that violently carried ocean water into the atmosphere where it fell back to earth as heavy rains. Scripture calls this the floodgates of Heaven.
E. The old ocean floor melted away and a new ocean floor of hot lightweight materials rose 3,500 feet to push the ocean water over the continental plates.
Genesis 7:11-13
Dr. Andrew Snelling, with Answers in Genesis, in 2009 in a video called “The Flood: The Big Picture of its Mechanism and Resulting Evidences,” list five events that happened all at once after God shut the door on the ark.
A. The ocean floor ripped apart and the continent was ripped up. Genesis 7:11
B. Where the cold ocean floor met the supercontinental crust, there was a rupture, and the old ocean floor sank underneath the busted up continental plates. Today’s ocean floor is totally new.
C. As the cold material on the ocean floor sank down, it caused warm material from the earth’s core to push up.
D. The hot rock from underneath had water in it and also mixed with ocean water to cause massive steam jets that violently carried ocean water into the atmosphere where it fell back to earth as heavy rains. Scripture calls this the floodgates of Heaven.
E. The old ocean floor melted away and a new ocean floor of hot lightweight materials rose 3,500 feet to push the ocean water over the continental plates.
Genesis 7:11-13
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