I've heard that, but I've also toyed with the opposite opinion. That we will never stop learning, specifically about God.
God is infinite but we are finite, even when we are glorified we will remain finite. Therefore it seems to follow that, at least in someway, we will still be learning about God for all eternity since the finite can never fully comprehend the infinite.
I lean in this direction as well. I think that some of the theology questions we wonder about will be instantly resolved, however, we have all eternity to educate ourselves about God why wouldn't it be a continuing life of discovery and awe? We will be worshiping God for all eternity. If suddenly, BAM! we are overwhelmed with all possible knowledge of his glory wouldn't we be in some much awe that we'd be reduced to blobs of quivering jelly? Our minds won't be any where near the capacity of the mind of God, will they? I think God would allow us to ease into all knowledge of Him over eternity. That way we would constantly be discovering new reasons to praise Him all the more!
Likewise, I think we will have all eternity to explore things that interested us on Earth. I'm thinking about mathematicians and physicists being able to research God's creation, sorting out quantum theory, multi universes, etc. To finally know how He made everything work. But it could be other interests as well. Historians would have a field day, er, a field eternity, delving into any era they chose to study (I'm thinking a high interest would be in anti-deluvian era and the Renaissance era). Also, I've always imagined Heaven as a place you can meet up with the saints, historical figures, and personalities, and ask questions.
I don't think we will instantly have all knowledge.