Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed the massive decline of "anti-Trump" posts since the "REPORT" came out?????
I'm eating a late 10-minute lunch at my desk and decided to check in. Since some foolish people have mislabelled me a "Trump hater," I'm guessing you are talking about people like me, who have steadfastly called attention to the faults of Donald Trump as a candidate and President.
The reason I haven't participated is that:
(1) I am in the busiest two weeks of my work year, working about 90 hours a week, and I simply don't have time to make thoughtful posts, nor appropriately respond to ridiculous attacks.
(2) Your assertion is false. The Mueller Report has not "come out," except to a very few people in the Justice Department and possibly the White House. All we have is Barr's letter which likely contains one error of fact (we know there is a sealed indictment of Julian Assange, as well as at least one other case demanding release of information from a government-owned firm, which may also have sealed indictments), and some interestingly-worded sentences that seem to point to a bigger story. I'm waiting until the Mueller Report is actually released to some degree before I say that much about it since I doubt anyone on Baptistboard has read it.
That being said, I think it is very good news that Mueller did not find evidence that the President and his campaign (although, perhaps not the transition nor the Presidency) knowlingly collude with "the Russian government" (although many of the allegations involved the campaign colluding with Russian oligarchs like Konstantin Kilimnik, who are closely connected with Putin, but not official government representatives).
I think it is also good news that the Mueller investigation took off the table at least one issue that the Russians could use as leverage against President Trump, the fact that Candidate Trump was actively involved in business negotiations with Russians oligarchs and the Russian government for a Trump Tower - Moscow, at the same time Candidate Trump was loudly, boldly and frequently lying that he had no business interests in Russia. Since that bold and despicable lie is now publicly revealed, they cannot hold that over him.
We'll eventually see what Mueller found and didn't find. Then we'll be in a position to discuss it.