you gotta be kidding me right ???
Did God want Adam to eat of the fruit he said not too ?? NO
Did God stop him from eating of the fruit?? NO
Men's wickedness stretches far and wide--Men change translations to fit their own agenda whether God wants them too or not.
The only texts that are not tampered with are the originals that God had his men to write--and God directed them step by step---and there was NO mistake in the originals---BUT through the Centuries Men have translated over and over again the originals---and now we have mistakes made by men in our bibles today---:flower::flower::flower:
You have a very low view both of the inspiration and of the preservation of the Bible. It is a wonder that you believe in the Bible at all the way that you have expressed yourself above.
Do you believe that we have the Word of God in the Bible today?
Certainly it was inspired in the original documents. It is not translations that we need to be so concerned about. We have over 5,000 manuscripts of the NT alone attesting to the veracity of it being a genuine document.
The Jews still use the Hebrew OT. Would they use something that is flawed? The Masoretic Text is basically the same as the one used in OT times.
If I have a question about the meaning of a word, it is not a translation that I need to consult, but the word in the original language, which God has preserved for us. It seems you have a problem with the preservation of God's Word and therefore cast aspersions and doubt as to its reliability.
This is a very weak argument and should not be used in debate.
The basis of debate here, in this forum, is that the Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and doctrine. You should be able to accept that.
If you can't accept that why do you call yourself a Baptist?
Why are you posting in Baptist forums?
You should change your profile and tell us what you really are.