Everywhere they sell decent clothes on sale. Thrift shops are great for this. We've bought boutique clothes that would cost tons of money otherwise, sometimes with tags still on. We learned that one gets overflow on certain days - they even get appliances for silly reasons. Damages boxes, one left, the store is getting new models, etc., so they just give them to the thrift store. Okay then! We can live with the outer box having a dent, right? LOL Cracks me up that people would pay full price...
We also do stuff like go to outlet stores and buy on clearance.
Though Saks clearance is ridiculous. We go and pretend we have maids and butlers and try things on to see if they will look appropriate at the party, then moan that we didn't bring our tailor and talk about how proud we are that we actually walked into a store like commoners. We do so try to keep ourselves entertained...we did find clearance there. A knit sweater, rather cheap looking, was on sale for almost $700, marked down from around $1200. We took pics. LOL Can you imagine paying that much for a sweater? We found a dress that looked like a slip and tried to read more about the material, but could only find that it was put together by men in a small village who "know the value of balance and harmony in nature." Which I didn't know mattered when it came to a dress, and if they knew about balance, why did it say to keep the dress out of direct sunlight? If I'm paying a couple thousand for a dress, I'm going out in it! Maybe it's because the material was so thin and pale. Why are men in a small villages sitting around making flimsy dresses that can't withstand sunlight anyhow?
Okay, long answer to a short question. HA! Guess people should avoid shopping with me. It's just trouble if I'm feeling ornery, or really fun if you play along and are good at accents.