That's pretty efficient. We do it that way in a much smaller congregation.
As far back as my memory will take me, every church I've been in served the elements while the organ played in background. My current pastor changed that, and now the deacon serve the elements in complete silence. At first it took some getting used to, but now I like it.
Oh, with one exception. I went with an old high school classmate to her charismatic church one Sunday. They had communion. During the serving of the bread, a young man walked to the piano and began playing. Very nice touch, I thought. When they served the juice, another young man walked up and began singing to the song the pianist was playing.
My classmate leaned over and said "that wasn't supposed to happen."
After the service, I asked her, "I thought you charismatics sorta went with the flow, followed the Holy Spirit's moving, that sorta stuff."
She grinned and said, "well we do, but he was supposed to get the pastor's permission first. Our pastor knows the spontaneous stuff can get out of hand, and his Methodist upbringing prompts him to have as much of the spontaneity planned in advance."
I fell out laughing, and she did, too.