Strong statements.
Well, considering as some assert, that government has been complicit in the 9/11 tragedy, and, as we all know, government is now actively seeking to disarm its citizens in violation of the 2nd Ammendment, and raising and imposing new taxes, and allowing American citizens in the service of their government to be massacred by the enemy, and as subverting the people's will, as many suspect, by pervasive electoral frauds, and arming the enemy or those who seek harm to the United States and its citizens by supplying them with fighter jets, and running guns to sworn enemies, and putting agents of the enemy in power in the White House.......does Mr. Schwann think we have reached that "some point" ?
FROM VIDEO said:WXIX-TV Tucson reporter Ben Swann takes a look at what he called the "politically incorrect" truth about the Second Amendment. In his "Reality Check" segment for the local FOX affiliate, Swann explains the true intention behind the Second Amendment.
"This is where American history becomes very politically incorrect because the Second Amendment was not drafted for hunting, or just self defense from an attacker. The Second Amendment was put into place to guarantee the rights of the individual to be equally armed as military, both foreign and domestic, in the event that the citizenry might actually, at some point, have to fight their own government," explained Swann.
"Again, it's a very controversial subject. But if we're going to have a debate about what rights we're actually going to guarantee under the Constitution, then we need to have an honest debate about what the Founders were attempting to guarantee," Swann said.
"The Second Amendment is about making sure the population would not be controlled, dominated or oppressed by a government," Swann explained. "It's not my place to tell you what the Founders were thinking, or what they would be thinking today. But the principle of what they put into place had nothing to do with the kind of weapon they were guaranteeing, it was simply about matching force."
Strong statements.
Well, considering as some assert, that government has been complicit in the 9/11 tragedy, and, as we all know, government is now actively seeking to disarm its citizens in violation of the 2nd Ammendment, and raising and imposing new taxes, and allowing American citizens in the service of their government to be massacred by the enemy, and as subverting the people's will, as many suspect, by pervasive electoral frauds, and arming the enemy or those who seek harm to the United States and its citizens by supplying them with fighter jets, and running guns to sworn enemies, and putting agents of the enemy in power in the White House.......does Mr. Schwann think we have reached that "some point" ?