I am in a slum that is quite large and actually the geographic center of a large city, not at the edge. It is a weird place like no other on earth, I think. I joke that I could write a great science fiction story about a space station or colony, using this place as inspiration.
To mention the name of where I live will just make people assume the opposite of what I face, because this part is not the parts that make the news or are talked about by people that talk to people outside of here. My relative has been here awhile and knows nothing of this place except to fear and shun it, and to speed through the main roads at speeds that kill my neighbors, leaving us with one of the highest pedestrian death rates in the country.
We are over 230 days without rain, this week. We are so far past breaking the record, and it just keeps going on and on. The people behind the gates still have water running down their sidewalks, while we are rationing the water that we pay for by feeding coins into the "water mill", or just doing without.
The wealthiest people here are the Hispanic people. They own all the businesses and everything is catered to and in Spanish. There are other races here, but they are the poorer people and not trusted by the Hispanic people. To be white is to be doubly distrusted. I understand why.
God placed me here. I feel on track. I am growing as a Christian and as a writer, and my PTSD in healing in ways that I never expected. We don't know what we don't know. I am learning all sorts of what I did not know that I was supposed to know.
This place is crumbling and FILTHY and DRY and foreign, and wild in ways that cannot be imagined within the boundaries of what is imagined as "urban American". I barely see my relative, but when I do, I teach him about his city in ways that he would rather never know. With knowledge comes responsibility. I try to leave him alone. God placed ME here, but I do not think I am supposed to mess with what God is doing with him and his peers at all. I feel a strong urge NOT to impact them, even with knowledge of their own city. At least not yet.