The thread title is self-explanatory: which Christian denomination do you consider to hold the most truth, second only to the one you belong to? If you weren't a (insert the label that defines you denominationally here), what do you think you'd be? You're welcomed to bring arguments to support your answer.
I'm no longer denominational in my thinking ( that I know of ), but I may be wrong.
I was called by the Gospel of God's grace to me in an Independent, Fundamental Baptist church in 1978.
For over 25 years I attended these types of churches and agreed with most of what was taught and preached...that is, until a friend suggested that I read 3 passages of Scripture:
Romans 8:28-30
Ephesians 1:4-5
2 Thessalonians 2:13-14.
Since then, my understanding of God's word would place me, denominationally, in what are nowadays called "Primitive Baptist" or "Sovereign Grace Baptist" churches, with possible secondaries of "Reformed Baptist" and Old Line "Missionary Baptist" churches.
In a broad sense, I am "Particular Baptist" in my beliefs, and in a fine sense I am "Primitive Baptist", except for viewing foot washing as a symbol of personal, brotherly servitude and not in the literal sense.
Putting on a suit and tie to visit with my brothers and sisters seems a bit much, as well.
Finally, I would also have no trouble having fellowship with groups that hold to the same beliefs and doctrines that I do, and do not call themselves "Baptists" George Mueller's "brethren" in Bristol, England during the 1800's.
May God bless you richly, good sir.