Personally, living in California, home to the largest number of illegals, the Mexican flag offends me. Not only did the Mexicans use Native Americans taken captive and enslaved by them, they also made war with us, and were soundly defeated in Mexico in the Mexican-American War, so to fly that flag is offensive, mostly because these people are here illegally and flying the flag to stick it in our face.
Then, the rainbow flag offends me because it is like flying flagrant sexual sin in the face of those who disagree with their perversions.
So, if the Confederate Battle flag offends some, and must come down, than so should the Mexican and Gay rainbow flag.Just thinking out loud, and wondering if anyone else feels the same??? :type:
Facebook said it will ban posts that have the confederate flag BUT promote Gays and their queer flag? Facebook know's whats best for us dumb folks now.