Very interesting Salty, thanks for the post. Thanks for ignoring the chaff and getting to the wheat. Now we are getting to the OP, which to me all about.
Which of these factions will be the most influential in directing policies?
Will fear of a Tea Party backlash give the extremely conservative more influence than their number would suggest?
The answer to these two questions will determine much on the 2016 election and the future of the GOP.
Which of these factions will be the most influential in directing policies?
Will fear of a Tea Party backlash give the extremely conservative more influence than their number would suggest?
The answer to these two questions will determine much on the 2016 election and the future of the GOP.
Now to answer Crabbys question with actual facts, from the US House Scorecard
Number of Republicans / Democrats with net scores
Strongly Liberal....................0 /22
Somewhat Liberal.................0/74
Weak Liberal........................0/35
Mushy Middle.......................4/55
Milquetoast Conservatives....16/ 6
Reddening Conservatives....137/ 2
Extremely Conservative. .....75/ 0
......................................232/194 = 426*
There were some vacancies in Congress - also I did just a quick count - might be off by 2 or three,
But this gives a general ideal of the wings of both parties.
Of course this will change a bit due to the gain of about a dozen seats.
In Central New York - of the two Congressmen, one is considered a Milquetoast Conservatives and was re-elected in an uncontested race.
The other is considered a Weak Liberal, was defeated by a Republican who appears to be a strong conservative.