I said for "being willing to sacrifice". He may have sacrificed his career and endorsements by taking a stand. And I'll say this. Some of those same folks whose faces you claim he has spit in are the very ones spitting in the face of mothers and sons and daughters who have had their fathers murdered by police officers.
But again, he has made it clear that this has nothing to do with the military.
You mean like Christians saying they love Jesus while supporting a man who is against him?
Or like folks saying they are followers of Jesus while having no empathy for the families of those murdered by police?
You mean like white Christians saying they love their black Brothers and Sisters while supporting a man who continues to denigrate them?
Okay. You're disrespected. So let's talk about this disrespect.
Now you know how Blacks feel about the disrespect from the police, from the prosecutors, from the judges, and from the white folks who agree with them.
If you feel disrespect from a man refusing to stand during the national anthem, you're still alive. There's recourse for you to voice your opinion.
What about those who continue to be murdered by police officers with no due process? You think their families feel disrespected by those who have collectively told them their loved ones lives meant NOTHING?
Police officers have been shown to be proven liars again and again. Are you out of favor with them too?
You're missing the point and it may be because you don't want to understand what Blacks are saying. Perhaps those guys did break the law. You've got white folks who do the SAME things day in and day out. Yet miraculously they make it to a court room.
So again, I completely agree with the young man. Liberty and justice for all in this country is a farce. And if you or anyone else thinks he or anybody else needs to stand up out of respect for what those who have served have done, while some of you who have served show no respect for the lives of those who look like him, then you might need to call a medic because you and those who continue to support this systemic murder by the police are just as culpable for cosigning with the foolishness.
There is no difference between what Rosa did and what Colin Kaepernick did. And the fact that you and a lot of white people don't get that is very telling to Blacks.
He has nothing to lose? He has endorsement deals with Apple, Jaguar, TTM and MusclePharm just to name a few. He signed a $114 million dollar contract in 2014. And he's essentially placed his LIFE on the line because folks are crazy.
You're white. Your perception is irrelevant to Blacks because you aren't experiencing what they are.
Man hush. You don't get to decide who is and isn't a hero.
Gosh the stuff you're saying about him could apply to Jesus Christ. The man has said that he was trying to insult the military and very intelligently explained what he was attempting to do. If that's not enough for you, who cares?
Like I said, neither you nor any other white person in America needs to get it. The folks who needed to get it got it loud and clear.
Note none of this was intended to sound dismissive or like I personally don't care about your service. I'm just saying that I understand what he has said and why he just can't worry about the "optics" of what it might look like to some.