The point of the example given in Hezekiah's case, a physical ailment healed with medicine is to lead into other situations of the time.Yes and God permitted drugs and medication for physical problems as He does today, but to deal with sin He always calls for confession and forsaking.
Drugs mask sin and keep the person from dealing with the real issue, the heart. People use the excuse of an illness for bad (sinfull) behavior when the only illness they have is a sin sick heart. Confession and forsaking is the only way to overcome the sin.
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All cases of epilepsy from that time throughout the time of Christ and the Apostles were considered as demon possession. Even if they weren't healed they were considered demon possessed. It obviously was a wrong diagnosis. Now the occasional one was caused be demon possession, just as other occasional infirmities were caused by demon possession, but not the majority of any one infirmity.
Perhaps the man running naked in Garden of the Gadarenes had schizophrenia. Jesus cast the demons out of him and he sat clothed and in his right mind. But today the experts would have said that he was a classic example of a schizophrenic. Jesus cast the demons (more than one) out of him. Would you be willing to do that kind of spiritual warfare? Just confessing sin is not good enough to engage battle with demons. What would be your remedy there? Or you just wouldn't show compassion on such an individual?
All your "remedies" point to the saved only. You have no answer for the unsaved for whom Jesus had great compassion. And "leading them to Christ" is not always the answer. The problem of their condition, what is causing the sin problem must be dealt with first. Sometimes it may be demon possession, but often it is masked by something different.