For it is written, "AS I LIVE, SAYS THE LORD, EVERY KNEE SHALL BOW TO ME, AND EVERY TONGUE SHALL GIVE PRAISE TO GOD." So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God. Romans 14:12
Recently, I have been going back and forth with several members about who is right and who is wrong when it comes to scripture and our personal understanding of said scripture, especially when the scripture concerns our walk, witness and what we profess and teach to others!
I do not believe, that when it comes down to the final judgement of mankind, especially the individual judgement, each of us is destined to face, that anyone else can be accountable for any errors or mistakes I may or may not make in understanding or applying scripture to my life! Nevertheless, we as a body continue to argue the scriptural points we hold as if they are the end-all of everything another person will face!
It is my belief that no one can actually be held accountable for another person's rights or wrongs, so why is it that some folks like to fight until they become down right nasty, simply because they are convinced the other people are dead wrong, and they are dead right? I think it is admirable that another person is willing to point out the errors in anothers theology or doctrines, but when it comes right down to it, what we hold as true, is really between us and God, and not the responsibly of another to take up the cross and try to beat another into spiritual submission simply because they think the other person is in error and misunderstanding what they hold to be true!
My question is this: Is it not really between you and God what you will be judged on at the Judgment of the Saved (as written about in 1 Cor. 3:10-23, 2 Cor. 5:10-11)? I believe many call it the BEMA Seat Judgment, or the place where rewards are given to the saved and the faithful!
When the rubber hits the road, so to speak, it is the individual who will be judged upon their works. If they were right or wrong about the things they believed, practiced and even taught others, it comes down between them and their God, and it is no one else s business! In other words, thanks for the advice, but I have heard something different from God and this is what I will have to answer to Him for!
Recently, I have been going back and forth with several members about who is right and who is wrong when it comes to scripture and our personal understanding of said scripture, especially when the scripture concerns our walk, witness and what we profess and teach to others!
I do not believe, that when it comes down to the final judgement of mankind, especially the individual judgement, each of us is destined to face, that anyone else can be accountable for any errors or mistakes I may or may not make in understanding or applying scripture to my life! Nevertheless, we as a body continue to argue the scriptural points we hold as if they are the end-all of everything another person will face!
It is my belief that no one can actually be held accountable for another person's rights or wrongs, so why is it that some folks like to fight until they become down right nasty, simply because they are convinced the other people are dead wrong, and they are dead right? I think it is admirable that another person is willing to point out the errors in anothers theology or doctrines, but when it comes right down to it, what we hold as true, is really between us and God, and not the responsibly of another to take up the cross and try to beat another into spiritual submission simply because they think the other person is in error and misunderstanding what they hold to be true!
My question is this: Is it not really between you and God what you will be judged on at the Judgment of the Saved (as written about in 1 Cor. 3:10-23, 2 Cor. 5:10-11)? I believe many call it the BEMA Seat Judgment, or the place where rewards are given to the saved and the faithful!
When the rubber hits the road, so to speak, it is the individual who will be judged upon their works. If they were right or wrong about the things they believed, practiced and even taught others, it comes down between them and their God, and it is no one else s business! In other words, thanks for the advice, but I have heard something different from God and this is what I will have to answer to Him for!