Michelle:I think you are very confused.
Not at all, at least with what I post here.
Please explain to me what doctrine we believe outside of the truth in the scriptures?
The false doctrine that the KJV is the ONLY valid English Bible translation. You've said otherwise, but when asked what other specific version(s) you recommend, you won't answer specifically...therefore you, too, are a KJVO.
If someone has seen the truth that these mv's are not an accurate translation of the word of God, and have been altered,
Altered from WHAT? You haven't done anything but GUESS.
This is where your circular reasoning begins..."the KJV alone is right; the MVs don't read the same as the KJV; therefore thy're wrong; because they're wrong, the KJV is right."
and have rejected them because of it, and have believed the KJB is the word of God in our language today,
The KJV is NOT in our language today...its language is 400 years old.
and generations past, to be the very word of God,
It is NOT the very word of God...It's a TRANSLATION, same as every other English Bible.
and therefore defend this truth, how is it that they have believe in false doctrine?
Because the KJV is NOT the ONLY valid English translation of God's word. This has been proven repeatedly, but you and some others simply won't accept the truth, which God has made as plain as the corneas of your eyes. Time and again, when the KJVOs state the KJV is the only one, we've asked for proof...and received answers that would do the Presidential-campaign spin doctors proud. If they HAD the truth, theyda TOLD it long ago, and in plain, direct language, free of hype, spin, & guesswork.
How is it that they started the label of the truth? NO, clearly this label is a myth slapped onto the truth, by many who reject that truth, and need to do this in order to feel justified for compromise.
No, it's not...it's a label applied to those who believe the false KJVO doctrine, and THAT DOCTRINE is the myth.
Christians were first called christians by others, in Antioch. Not of or by themselves.
What has this to do with the price of coffee in Timbuktu?
It was a label placed upon them by others, that rejected the truth.
Scripture doesn't say WHO began calling believers Christians. It COULDA been themselves. And, as is typical of you, it's an attempt to avoid the REAL subject matter here.
When many of you call us KJVO, this is inaccurate, as it says we put limits upon God.
No, it's NOT inaccurate. The KJVO attempte to LIMIT GOD by rejecting any version of His word but their favorite.
I will not limit God, in saying that He would not at some point in the future update His word of truth in our language accurately,
How do you know He HASN'T? You're just GUESSING He hasn't....NO PROOF.
or that God has not provided HIS pure words of truth in other countries and languages.
The 1st true thing you've said this whole post.
He has not yet done this in our language though, as it is clearly evidenced he hasn't.
No, it's NOT clearly evidenced.
guesswork. Guesswork. GUESSWORK.
I personally believe that there won't be because of the days we are living in, surely do seem as though our Lord will be calling us up any moment.
Scripture doesn't say any such thing. It says the world will go on as it has been until "the end".
However, in case my personal belief is wrong,
It is.
I would not limit God in the future,
But you already have tried to.
and this label seems to make it say we do.
Which you DO do...well, TRY to do.
It also makes it seem that we don't believe any of the reformation Bibles in the past were the scriptures.
If you DO believe those older Bibles are valid, how can you believe the KJVO myth? NONE of those older Bibles are alike, either. That's a clear DOUBLE STANDARD. But..."Wisdom" is justified of her children.
It also makes it seem that we don't believe there are accurate Bibles in other countries of other languages.
Virtually every Japanese-language Bible is based upon the mss that the KJVOs say are corrupt. Didn't Jesus die for the Japanese also? Japan is a nation of over 100 million people. Are you saying God has ignored them?
This has been what has been attached to this label...By the KJVOs themselves, in a vain attempt to justify their myth.
So when you all slap this label around, and claim that it is a man made myth, you are not only believing a lie, but encouraging a lie.
Unlike the KJVOs, we can back up our claims. The beginnings of the current myth have been easily traced back to Wilkinson's 1930 book, and to the authors following him who took his bunk, added their own bunk to it, and, using more modern media and Madison Avenue hype, spread their fairy tale throughout the English-speaking Christian world. Unlike the points of the KJVO myth, this is FACT, not guesswork. If you believe the KJVO myth, you're believing a lie. If you spread the KJVO myth, you're TELLING a lie. We don't just CLAIM KJVO is a myth; we've PROVEN it.
Well, in this post, you told the truth once in about thirteen points. You're making progress, as you're above ZERO for now.