Your title is correct. Sweden is a model for going forward. However if you look at Dr Ryan’s comments it is not a model to follow for what has happened so far.
The role of public trust in managing COVID-19: WHO briefing
As countries that successfully controlled the spread of covid19 come out if lockdowns, they will need to implement something like what Sweden is doing.
However, Sweden’s approach is rightly criticized for allowing the first wave there to be much worse than it would have been if they had followed their neighbours. And their economy is still projected to suffer similarly to the rest of Europe.
Monetary policy April 2020: The Riksbank is supporting an economy in crisis
Meanwhile, Sweden has the 7th most deaths per million population in the world if you exclude small island nations and city states just after Belgium, Spain, Italy, UK, France and the Netherlands at 256 per million. This is 4-6 times it’s similar neighboring countries of Denmark, Norway and Finland.
Their figures are probably severely undercounted because they are not testing people in the community and really only testing health care/aged care workers and hospitalized patients.
COVID-19 - The Public Health Agency of Sweden