Now let's see what you did not post in your propaganda:
If you could rightly divide the facts you would see your wresting of the facts is the criticism he refers to.
You condone and advocate resistance which Scripture forbids.
Romans 13
King James Version (KJV)
1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
How about sharing why this godly and patriotic citizen was having her child removed from her?
(see the information not given in the propaganda here)
Texas Rangers to investigate deputy's alleged assault
The events that led to the March 4 confrontation started with an incident that occurred over the weekend between Deanna Robinson and her husband.
The couple's six-year-old stepson — who has cerebral palsy — told school officials he had been hit by his father, according to a CPS removal affidavit. The child also reported that the couple had been hitting each other. CPS investigators questioned her husband, who described it as more of a tap to get the child's attention.
Deanna Robinson said the couple did shove each other, but denies that there was any hitting. She said as a result of the argument, she left home and went to stay with her parents.
According to the sheriff, his office was called on March 4 to assist Quinlan police and CPS in removing Deanna Robinson's 18-month-old son from her parents' home because CPS investigators expected there might be a confrontation.
Meeks said two deputies — Josh Robinson and William Whitten — went to the scene to assist, and they were met at the door by Deanna Robinson.
Wow. Imagine that. No mention of the details in your thread.
Did you ever stop to wonder why the child was being removed?
Why no mention of that, Poncho?
Because it doesn't serve your agenda.
How does that violate the hypocritical railing against propaganda?
The sheriff said the officers showed Deanna Robinson a court order to remove the child. She has denied that account.
Meeks said Deanna Robinson tried to close the door, and an officer blocked the doorway and entered the home to execute the court order. The sheriff said she was shouting obscenities and "yelling, 'You're not taking my child.'''
In the process, the sheriff said she struck Josh Robinson in the face, which led him and a Quinlan police officer to try to take her into custody for assault on a peace officer.
Meeks said the 30-second security camera video of the incident shows officers trying to handcuff Deanna Robinson. She told News 8 earlier this week that she was in handcuffs at the time the video was shot.
The sheriff said the footage was shot by a motion-activated camera, so there is are four-minute and two-minute gaps in the recording. The 30-second video posted on YouTube shows the deputy hitting Deanna Robinson at least once as he and another deputy push her into the kitchen counter. The images then show a deputy pulling his arm back as if to strike her again before the footage cuts off.
Meeks told the media he believes there is more evidence out there, and the whole truth needs to be examined. He said that there was one narrative in which his deputy beats up a pregnant woman. But he said there is a second narrative in which Robinson was reaching for the deputy's gun.
"I believe by looking at it that he is trying to keep her hands away from his gun, and that will take however many blows it takes to keep her away from his gun," Meeks said. "If someone gets your gun, you can be killed by a pregnant woman just as well as a 16-year-old child."
Quite a bit of he said she said here.
But do you wait until the investigation, which the Sherriff himself requested, has been completed?
Nope. That wouldn't serve your agenda, would it. Best to use this kind of garbage to mislead people so you can, with your propaganda...make people embrace the views you want them to.
Meeks said he has asked the Texas Rangers to launch a full investigation into the case. He promised that Deputy Josh Robinson would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if any criminal wrongdoing is found to have occurred, but said if no wrongdoing is found, he will stand behind the deputy "100 percent."
So where do you come to the conclusion he was...
And how is it that you view my exposing this hypocrisy and wresting of the truth as an attack?
The only attack here is by you on this man, Law Enforcement as a whole, and...common decency.
Your sarcasm here... built upon deception and false premise.
But that's okay, right?
Like this Sheriff (a minor tyrant) who claims . . . Then urged his officers to “hang in there” while Godless citizens criticize them for punching pregnant women in the belly.
that anyone who criticizes the police is defying God, and that this is merely “the ignorance of some people.
If you could rightly divide the facts you would see your wresting of the facts is the criticism he refers to.
You condone and advocate resistance which Scripture forbids.
Romans 13
King James Version (KJV)
1 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation.
3 For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same:
How about sharing why this godly and patriotic citizen was having her child removed from her?
(see the information not given in the propaganda here)
Texas Rangers to investigate deputy's alleged assault
The events that led to the March 4 confrontation started with an incident that occurred over the weekend between Deanna Robinson and her husband.
The couple's six-year-old stepson — who has cerebral palsy — told school officials he had been hit by his father, according to a CPS removal affidavit. The child also reported that the couple had been hitting each other. CPS investigators questioned her husband, who described it as more of a tap to get the child's attention.
Deanna Robinson said the couple did shove each other, but denies that there was any hitting. She said as a result of the argument, she left home and went to stay with her parents.
According to the sheriff, his office was called on March 4 to assist Quinlan police and CPS in removing Deanna Robinson's 18-month-old son from her parents' home because CPS investigators expected there might be a confrontation.
Meeks said two deputies — Josh Robinson and William Whitten — went to the scene to assist, and they were met at the door by Deanna Robinson.
Wow. Imagine that. No mention of the details in your thread.
Did you ever stop to wonder why the child was being removed?
Why no mention of that, Poncho?
Because it doesn't serve your agenda.
How does that violate the hypocritical railing against propaganda?
The sheriff said the officers showed Deanna Robinson a court order to remove the child. She has denied that account.
Meeks said Deanna Robinson tried to close the door, and an officer blocked the doorway and entered the home to execute the court order. The sheriff said she was shouting obscenities and "yelling, 'You're not taking my child.'''
In the process, the sheriff said she struck Josh Robinson in the face, which led him and a Quinlan police officer to try to take her into custody for assault on a peace officer.
Meeks said the 30-second security camera video of the incident shows officers trying to handcuff Deanna Robinson. She told News 8 earlier this week that she was in handcuffs at the time the video was shot.
The sheriff said the footage was shot by a motion-activated camera, so there is are four-minute and two-minute gaps in the recording. The 30-second video posted on YouTube shows the deputy hitting Deanna Robinson at least once as he and another deputy push her into the kitchen counter. The images then show a deputy pulling his arm back as if to strike her again before the footage cuts off.
Meeks told the media he believes there is more evidence out there, and the whole truth needs to be examined. He said that there was one narrative in which his deputy beats up a pregnant woman. But he said there is a second narrative in which Robinson was reaching for the deputy's gun.
"I believe by looking at it that he is trying to keep her hands away from his gun, and that will take however many blows it takes to keep her away from his gun," Meeks said. "If someone gets your gun, you can be killed by a pregnant woman just as well as a 16-year-old child."
Quite a bit of he said she said here.
But do you wait until the investigation, which the Sherriff himself requested, has been completed?
Nope. That wouldn't serve your agenda, would it. Best to use this kind of garbage to mislead people so you can, with your propaganda...make people embrace the views you want them to.
Meeks said he has asked the Texas Rangers to launch a full investigation into the case. He promised that Deputy Josh Robinson would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law if any criminal wrongdoing is found to have occurred, but said if no wrongdoing is found, he will stand behind the deputy "100 percent."
So where do you come to the conclusion he was...
The sheriff added that anyone who criticizes the police is defying God, and that this is merely “the ignorance of some people.” He urged officers to “hang in there” while Godless citizens criticize them for punching pregnant women in the belly.
And how is it that you view my exposing this hypocrisy and wresting of the truth as an attack?
The only attack here is by you on this man, Law Enforcement as a whole, and...common decency.
Your sarcasm here...
How dare these Godless citizens be critical of a cop that would punch a pregnant woman in the stomach? built upon deception and false premise.
But that's okay, right?