Icon we have been over this before many times so once again I will state that it is impossible to spend time with every single waitress, gas attendant, retail store clerk, and passerby on the streets. Second some people learn better visually and a cartoon can be much easier to read than a page full of text so kudos to Chic Tracts for their cartoons.
A bigger concern is the 9th commandment.
You made a statement and were questioned about it.
You might not like how I post or what I say. That is your privelege. To go beyond that and ascribe to me what you have should not take.place.
If you want to hand out cartoons go right ahead. Some people also use clowns, puppets and other tricks in our day.
I ride up and down the interstate most everyday...
I do not roll my window down and yell the name Jesus at everyone I pass....I pray for those times when I stop, and p ark, that the Lord will provide opportunities along the way.
Do I say that everyone MUST drive a semi and go cross country....no.
I see chic tracks...most on the floor of the men's room soaking up urine because the drivers throw them down ....
If someone reads one ...great....I am not stopping you from doing what you do.
Each person will give account of himself to God.