Why does race have to so often become part of discussion at this site?
Consistency - It seems the general thought of this discussion is that women normally are not of the same caliber of men - thus - there own league. Then why would not the same reasoning go for race - including the YNBA (yellow). In fact how many Asians are in the NBA?
78% of the NBA is Black and 69% of the NFL is black Baseball has
about 18% black and another 18% Hispanic.
WHERE IS REV AL SHARPTON AND JESSIE JACKSSON. If the NBA and NFL owners demanded that the members of their leagues be +/- 4% of the general population, then the Dynamic Due would be on the warpath.
Women have over 50% of the population but 0% of the roster.
I do not care for womens professional sports - I have no interest - but if the market is there, I say go for it. Likewise if there is a market for the WhNBA or the YNBA - then go for it.
Bottom line - most say its okay to have a Womens NBA since they cannot compete with men. Since Whites generally cannot compete with Blacks (the link shows only a very small fraction of whites are starters)
then why cant there be a WiNBA. Some have liken the The All-American Basketball Alliance to the KKK. There is a big difference - just think about it.
Just a few thoughts - thats all folks
PS The All-American Basketball Alliance has 2 basic requirements - one being race - the other - well do you agree with the second requirement?