Dr. Walter
New Member
There is no evidence that the body of Christ existed before the Day of Pentecost, is there?
You cannot separate "the body of Christ" from "the church" and there is plenty of evidence that the church pre-existed Pentecost.
1. The Apostles were appointed before Pentecost (Mk. 3; Lk. 6) and they were set first in the church - I Cor. 12:28
2. The office was functioning and a church buisness meeting was called to fill the vacated office prior to Penteocost - Acts 1:15-22
3. They were habitually assembling with the head of the church from the time of John's baptism - Acts 1:21-22
4. Both ordinances of the church were administered prior to Pentecost
5. Christ is said to be the builder of the Church not the Holy Spirit - Mt. 16:18
6. Christ instructed the church about disciplinary matters before Pentecost using present tense verbs - Mt. 18:15-18
7. Those 3,000 saved on Pentecost were "added unto them" who had been habitually assembling prior to Penteocost - Acts 1:21-22, 2:1; 41-42,47
8. No text in scripture teaches any kind of church began on Pentecost.