So do Jehovah's Witnesses? Do you think that means all JW's are saved?
If you ask any Catholic if Jesus is their Savior they will almost all claim it, I know this because we go door to door every Saturday and 8/10 people are Catholic. my Pastor knows a Catholic who claimed they received Christ as came out that they think that means taking the Eucharist...the point is most of them think having Jesus as their saviour means taking the sacraments and doing good works, to most of them "having Jesus as savior" means being a good Catholic.
This is nonsense, What king of saved person stays in the religious whorish system that is the Catholic Church?
And yeah Cruz probably isn't a KJV guy, but that still doesn't mean he's not saved.
Huge difference between using a different bible translation, and being part of a religious system that teaches works for salvation....
Do I know for sure if either of them are saved? No. But if I go off their backgrounds, it's pretty obvious that the chances of Rubio being saved are slim, and I think it's a high chance that Cruz is saved.
Beside all that stuff, Cruz has better policies, I think Rubio is a RINO:
-In 2007, he
used the left's
anti-science climate scaremongering nonsense to push for a massive taxpayer-funded "green" movement in Florida.
-In June of this year, he responded to the Supreme Court's
blatantly illegal invention of federal marriage rights for homosexuals (at the expense of
actual constitutional rights like state sovereignty and free religious exercise) by instantly
surrendering on the issue and demanding that we "abide by the law" if accepting lawless, arbitrary edicts from unaccountable, un-elected activist judges weren't the complete and utter
abandonment the rule of law. He also then
stated that he would attend a homosexual wedding.
-In January of 2014, he supported extending taxpayer-funded joblessness (unemployment checks).
-In March of 2013, he ignored all the facts and evidence to perpetuate the left's
wildlyerroneous misinformation about what destroyed the economy in 2008, falsely blaming the banks and "not enough government," rather than the relentless federal attacks on the housing market that directly imploded the housing market and crashed the economy.
-In March of 2010, he argued that the Federal Government must provide alternatives to employer-based insurance system (which is not an authorized federal power under the Constitution).