I have read this three times and still I am lost. Can you give a more clear and succinct answer?
Except a man be Born Again, he can not see The Kingdom of God.
John 3:8 "The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit."
4 "How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?"
That question involves Natural childbirth, which we know has, 'the mother' s water breaking' associated with it, anytime a child is born, Naturally, as a sinner.
I came forth from my mother's womb, speaking lies, as all sinners naturally do.
5 "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and
of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
In that verse, Jesus mentions the mother's water breaking, when the natural flesh of a baby is birthed from the natural womb, during childbirth, when He Says," born of water".
That is the flesh being born, naturally, as we all were.
Then, Jesus reinerates:
6 "That which is born of the flesh is flesh;"
That is natural childbirth that every Human Being experiences, that involves the mother's water breaking.
"and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."
Having been Naturally born, in the flesh, a Human Being is a Natural Decendant of the First man Created by God.
God Gave that First man a period of Time, in the Garden, in which Adam was not a sinner.
However, by the Determination and Eternal Wisdom and Decision that Belongs Only to The Triune Godhead, in Eternity Past, Who Works All Things after The Councel of His Own Will, God Allowed Adam to be 'changable' and not make Adam a robot and to not make him 'god'.
Adam had the 'changable' will and choise within him that could knowingly deside to transgress God's Law and disobey God's Command and sin against The Holy God of The Universe, with his eyes wide open.
When, Adam sinned, it proved he was not God.
Adam was not a Law Keeper, as Jesus was.
Adam was a Law Breaker.
And, as God Had Predicted, "in the Day you eat thereof, you shall surely die".
Sin results in death and all of us that are Naturally born in the flesh will die one day, as the result of being sinners.
We are Natural born sinners, as the children of Adam.
No Human child has to be taught how to lie.
Whoever knocked over the lamp couldn't have been them, when they were running through the house.
For One Very Good Reason.
What's that?
Because, "I didn't do it".
They were an 'innocent bystander', right?
7 "Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again."
The death Adam experienced didn't put him in a grave that day he "ate of the fruit" God Commanded him Not to Eat.
Adam had had an Enablement, by The Holy Spirit, when he and Eve, "knew not that they were naked".
Adam was Created without sin, and had the Glory of God Protecting him, but that Holy Spirit's Presence and Protection was taken away and Adam's remaining life in his soul "died", and was then, 'dead', Spiritually.
Adam was born in the image of God.
Seth was born in the image of Adam.
We are children of Seth and Adam.
No one is 'a child of God', naturally, or an 'innocent baby', and no Human has ever had any 'spark of Divinity'.
Naturally born lost sinners are dead, Spiritually, in trespasses and sins, and have the Natural fleshly capibility Only to sin.
That is Adam's fault and our fault, because we would have changed and sinned, because we would not have been Created, "God", and we do chose to sin, in habit, in practice, and in defiance of God's Will, by our sin-cursed Natural will.
That Natural State of being born in the flesh Must Be Re-Generated and a Re-creation within our soul to take place, for any Human to also have a Spirit of God Placed within them, in The New Birth from Above, to have any Love or Understanding of God, Who is Spirit.
You must be born again.
Repent, turn from your Natural sinful, helpless, hopeless self before God and assume your position as a Naturally born sinful Human child of Adam.
And fully Trust and Believe The Bible Record.
God so Loved the World (of not only the Jews, but also of the Gentile World, i. e., the World, the whole Chosen Elect, no matter who in the whole World of all people they were)
that He Gave His Only Begotten Son ( born without sin, Who Lived a Perfect sinless Life to Present as a Sacrifice in Place of sinners, to Satisfy God's Justice)
that whosoever believes (which says, 'whosoever believes', because those are God's Chosen Elect that He Gave Jesus to Purchase with His Blood and they are Given 'belief')
on Him (in Jesus as their Savior from their Condemned Natural State, as a God-Hating sinner against His Perfect Eternal Holiness)
should not perish ( ever)
but have Everlasting Life (the soul that sinneth, it shall die, but not the soul that has been Made a Partaker of The Divine Nature, also, in the New Birth, because The Holy Spirit is God in you, the Hope of Glory.
God does not die.
Absent from the body, Home with The Lord.
Why seek ye the Living among the dead?
God is the God of the Living.)
Being Born Again does not Fully Glorify the Human Being during this life.
A Born Again Saint, child of God is still living in their Earthly vessel of flesh.
A Born Again Human has a Divine Nature of God's Spirit Re-Generated, Re-Born in them as well as their old Natural flesh Nature, which is their body that is still subject to death and is still CAPIBLE of sinning.
They have Two Nature's.
The lost have one Nature of sinful flesh.
There are two kinds of people on Earth.
Lost and Saved.
Once I was blind (lost)
... but now, I see (Saved).