Feel free to report it to a moderator if you think it is “low.” I am only asking it of Quantill because of previous interactions and his prediction of a coming “race war.” A “race war” is a fundamental conviction of white supremacists. Not that many other groups claim something like that will happen. It is a perfectly rational question, and extremely easy for him to answer to my satisfaction if he denies he is a member of a white supremacist organization. But those who are white supremacists have a hard time denying that they are, since it would be a repudiation of white pride. So deflection from the question may indicate the answer.This post is out if bounds and even low for you.
I have no problem telling others that I am not a white aupremacist. What about you?
You couldn’t be more wrong. I am used to having calm and rational conversations with people with whom I strongly disagree. I rarely ever get “emotional.”It seems to be an over emotional post.
I haven’t suggested it, I have simply asked a question that should be very easy to answer. It is not a trick, nor insincere.Maybe you need to get control of yourself. No one needs to be suggesting anyone on this board is racist or part if white supremacy.
No, I don’t think so. He recently attacked me as having “typical” views for a black person (he assumed that from my avatar of Daryl Davis) and applied ethnic stereotypes to what I had written instead of dealing with the content of what I had written.You owe him and apology.
I demanded no apology, but it did make me take note of how he seems to approach everything according to “race.”
So Revmitchell, you are butting into a conversation you don’t understand OR if you do understand, you are expressing support for his recent posting behavior.