A diversion from the version debate -- what kind of Bible do Americans prefer?
Why Americans prefer a Bible in their hands to one at their finger tips
Why Americans prefer a Bible in their hands to one at their finger tips
Americans are online for everything nowadays, but evidence shows most prefer paper and ink to read the Good Book.
A Barna study published July 10 found that nine in 10 Americans say they prefer to read the Bible in print form.
That may be surprising to some in an era in which Americans are going online at record numbers and for record-setting lengths of time.
That’s what the Pew Research Center reported in a March 14 article about online habits.
I do a lot of research online, and take advantage of Bible searches available online, but like the majority in the Barna study, I definitely prefer to study a paper & ink Bible -- with pen in hand!“It’s not just your visual senses but the way things sound and the way things smell and the way things feel,” he said. “There is something visceral about having a physical book in your hand.”