LeBuick said:
Their not interested in reality nor are they open real discussion. They are convinced the conservative philosophy is the only ideology that works and they will defend it with malice and forethought. If they can continue to defend it seeing our current economic situation then there is no reasoning that will change their minds. They are like the bird with their heads in the ground.
Now that you've brought it up....yes, I'm a conservative.
I'm conservative because I believe our founding Fathers, who formed this great country, saw that oppression by the nanny state brought about the worst in nations and their people.
I'm conservative because I've been poor, and in danger of being homeless. But I was proud enough to work like a dog and provide for myself. Now, I seek to help others with a hand up...but it's
my help, not taken from me at gunpoint by people who don't share my values. And my help is not the self-perpetuating help for help's sake that government provides--it's the
essence, rather than the empty slogan, of "a hand
up, not a hand
I'm conservative because I've seen the fallacy of giving to people with no strings attached, an no expectations of self-reliance in the future. I've lived in West Alabama and seen the scourge of the third-generation welfare family--no initiative, no shame in living off others, and no sense of responsibility. God made us to work, not mooch.
I'm conservative because I've seen government screw up almost everything it touches. In my opinion, goverment is good for infrastructure, self-defense, and ensuring safety and liberty. Nothing more. I don't need government telling me how many gallons my toilet can flush. I don't need government telling me how much salt to put on my eggs. I don't need government telling me that my youth cannot pray out loud over their meals, or gather before school to read the Bible together.
I do need government to keep our borders safe, ensure liberty and justice for all, and provide the most basic infrastructure of our society.
If they'll do that, then the 95% of the blood-suckers in DC and other governmental beehives can march right out of there, to the nearest short pier, and keep walking. I'll be fine, because I'm an American, and I'm conservative. Those able-bodied souls who have lost the ability to think for themselves, do for themselves, and exist by their own industry will figure it out pretty quickly, or they will reap the rewards of their own slothfulness. Those who cannot fend for themselves--may God's people fulfill
their responsibility, which they have ceded to government, and provide for those in truest need.
If this offends you, then try just one of my conservative principles--build a bridge and get over it. You just might begin to like it.
(c) 2008 Rbell.