Walter, you don't have to keep restating your case. I get it. I disagree with you.
Really, your argument begs the question because your argument is only true if your system is true.
No, this is where you are just wrong! These are indisputable facts of scripture that are repeated over and over again from the Old to the New Testament. Only YOUR SYSTEM denies that God can justly condemn fallen men for coming short of His Law due to inability.
No HONEST Bible students can possibly deny these two facts:
1. Israel was obligated by God to keep the Law when God fully realized they were unable to keep it - Deut. 5:29
2. Israel is justly condemned for failing to keep the law
Only YOUR SYSTEM has no answer to JUSTIFY this priinciple applied by God through the law to all men and so your system is forced to deny this clear and obvious principle that is applied in Scripture.
Only our system can harmonize this with the justice of God. This principle is JUSTIFIED by the whole human race existing and consisting as ONE HUMAN NATURE acting in unison in ONE MAN (Rom. 5:12-19). Hence, they willingly forfeited their ABILITY TO LIVE SINLESS when they sinned and thus fell into a STATE OF INABILITY (Rom. 8:7). Therefore, God is perfectly just to demand of FALLEN MEN what they are unable to do and He did and He does this by obligating all men to keep His Law knowing full well they are unable to subject themselves to His Law DUE TO THEIR OWN FAULT - Rom. 8:7/Rom. 5:12-19.
Only OUR SYSTEM can justify this principle by God through the Law
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