Wait a minute. You are going to assert that Roberts' family was IN FACT threatened based on internet rumors?
Wait a minute, why would you think otherwise?
When someone has proven by past behavior that they are a
why would you think otherwise?
Check out this video:
Two alleged casualties of the Clinton’s bid for the 2008 election were Democratic Party, Bill Gwatney, close friend of Bill Clinton, and Stephanie Tubbs. Gwatney was gunned down in the Democrat headquarters office by a lone gunman. Stephanie Tubbs, a 58 year old black US representative from Ohio, supposedly succumbed to a brain aneurism.
How coincidental it was that both Hillary Clinton supporters died at such opportune times.
With 398 notarized delegate signatures ready to be counted and 600,000 Michigan voters who did not support Obama which would be forcibly thrown to support him, a Democratic candidate for the presidency.
Delegates were not counted on the floor instead Barack Hussein Obama was elected by universal acclamation before such a count could take place. According to testimony death threats and intimidation were the preferred method of choice used by Obama’s campaign as the US press corps turned a blind eye to the corruption of the American electoral process.
<snipped>For those who have not been following this, UR’s Washington Insider described how long time Democratic Operative Kam Kuwata (who set up the 2008 Denver Democratic convention and ran Hillary’s West Coast campaign) was found inexplicably murdered after he informed some other Democrats of Obama being carried into a room, weird chanting and suddenly emerging as if he was a new man only moments later. (I know – it sounds preposterous but read the comments in the above linked article and trace the evidence yourself.) Kuwata was Diane Feinstein’s aide and longtime friend.
The actual timeline is much stranger and happens this way:
Source for the rest:
As posted on another thread, "I have wondered why Congress could allow itself to be eviscerated and allow the POTUS to circumvent them with passage of rules and regulations, overstepping his authority and abusing power, and Congress behaves like potted plants..... Eric Holder, who is supposed to be the top law enforcement in the land, is in contempt, for instance, yet nothing is done. On and on and on....So, could these things on the Internet be more than just rumors or bitter musings and could this be the reason Congress is emasculated - because of FEAR?"
I realized that intimidation of the Chief Justice
could be a real possibility, long before I googled it. Especially when I heard people were saying this switch seemed out of character. Even that it was rumoured that he would vote with the conservative wing and seemed to change his mind just days before the decision was handed down.
Now just suppose that is the case? Just suppose these aren't rumors about the threats.... Who would the CJ of the SCOTUS go to about this? The FBI? They are under criminal Eric Holder's DOJ. CIA? Same. Secret Service? Same. Who do you go to, when you are the CJ of the highest court of the land? Do you throw yourself on your spear? Or do you parse your words so very carefully to spare the lives of your loved ones? Give them a just enough room to claim victory, but let the States have wiggle room. Who in their right mind would believe this is rational or Constitutional? Have you read the dissenting opinions? I mean, seriously....what if?
You can believe what you want to believe. It is my belief that obama and his cronies will stop at nothing, there is nothing they won't do for him to retain his tyrranical power. Nothing. If he wins in November (if we have an election), then you tell me how wrong I am 4 years from now, how crazy and what nutcases we all are for even questioning these things, that is if we are still around.
Once you know wickedness is afoot, it is easy to predict what the outcome is.
Unless God Almighty intervenes in some way, our country as we knew it is gone and we are seeing Nazi Germany replayed before our eyes. They just haven't gotten to the boxcars yet. But the euthansia is coming. Thousands of people will be dying in the streets and writhing in pain in their homes. People will be stuffing pillows over grandma's face because they can't bear to see her in pain and she can't get healthcare or pain medicine or insulin or surgery or antibiotics - whatever - before this is all over because only the "select" will have healthcare, in spite of obama's lies. The sad part is, obama knows this and has planned it and surely is having the greatest laugh on all of us while he tokes another one in the oval office and his Chicago thugs do his dirty work. :tear:
Oh, and PS: Wait until CAIR files a lawsuit so muslims won't have to pay the obamacare TAX and it ends up in the SC. How do you think they will rule then?