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Why did Christians blindly follow Hitler?


New Member
And as like I said in answer to the question, the question was why did CHRISTIANS blindly follow Hitler. The ever racist Ky REDNECK responses answered nothing toward this question unless he assumes that the Roman Catholic Hitler,and all of the Roman Catholic followers of is were Christians.


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Europe had witnessed the atrocities that came out of Russia and Jewish Bolshevism was the blame and fear of all. It really was not difficult at all for Hitler to drum up support for his tirade against the Jews. Many throughout Europe joined him in his cause from sheer fear of communism.

I stated the fact of the matter no matter how badly it hurts your lil' feelings. If you want we'll go into the several pre WW2 communist uprisings in Europe involving Jews and that served to exacerbate that fear of Jews and Communism. It was fear of Bolshevism that gained support for Hitler. Period.

Lol ! Well Bob, I take what you have to say here with a grain of salt because you're a dispensationalist! :)

According to you Doc, the Jews are 'the apple of God's eye' and we Christian U.S taxpayers better give our blind unconditional unwavering support to the Zionist cause regardless of the crimes Jews are committing or have committed, or, God is going to curse us.

The question of the OP:

"Why did Christians blindly follow Hitler?" which immediately implies 'the Holocaust' and the murder of thousands of innocent Jews.

Rev the Christian Zionist and Doc the Double Dose Zionist would be pleased for all to believe that multitudes of normal sane civilized Teutons woke up one morning out of the blue as rabid bloodthirsty anti-Semites hell-bent on following Hitler in his quest to eradicate the Jews. That’s unrealistic and it’s not the way events came to pass:

“The unpleasant and indisputable fact of the matter is that many Jews did play a prominent role in the hated Bolshevik coup of November 1917 and subsequent communist revolutions and movements in Europe and elsewhere. Prominent Jewish Communists would be at the forefront of some of the worst aspects of those bloody revolutions. This fact was not lost on Europeans, especially those who suffered under the brutal communist yoke in the years leading up to Hitler. The Nazis would use these unpleasant facts as part of their Jew hating conspiracy theories and propaganda as they planned the liquidation of the innocent Jews of Europe.

Communism introduced unprecedented levels of atrocity and totalitarianism to Europe in the years before Hitler, starting with the 1917 Bolshevik coup itself, Stalin's collectivization of farms, wars against the Kulaks, the engineered famines of 1931-32 which killed upwards of 5 million Ukrainians, the communist inspired atrocities of the Spanish civil war and other examples. Jewish Bolsheviks played prominent roles in the Russian coup including, among others, Trotsky (Bronstein), Zinoviev (Apfelbaum), Kamenev, Radek, and Uritzky. The question of why Jews would embrace godless communism in the first place is interesting and beyond the scope of this brief treatise. Suffice it to say that significant numbers of Jews did sign on to an amoral political faith that caused unprecedented loss of freedom, poverty, oppression and death.

It is an unpleasant fact that many of the worst Communists, those associated with many of the worst atrocities, were of Jewish background. Lavrenti Beria brought about the infamous Katyn massacre and other atrocities. Lazar Kaganovich, who personally claimed to be responsible for 20 million killed, stood atop the rubble of a Christian church proclaiming, "Mother Russia has been cast down, we have torn away her skirts!" Genrikh Yagoda sent hundreds of thousands to work on the Baltic Sea canal project where countless numbers of Russians, Ukrainians, and Baltic's perished. Natalfy Frenkel and Mathias Berman founded the infamous Gulag system, with camps commanded by figures such as Rappoport, Solz, and Spiegelglas, all of whom are mentioned at length in the work of Sozhenitzen. Ilya Ehrenburg, the World War II communist counterpart to Goebbels, incited Soviet troops to rape and maim German, Polish, and Czech women as a form of punishment.

Europeans were aware of Russia's oppression and were cognizant of the fact that communist atrocities were, by and large, covered up in the western media. Hitler, no doubt, noticed this as well and perhaps assumed that he, a National Socialist, would be given the same favorable treatment. The aftermath of World War I witnessed a Jewish communist, Bela Kun, presiding briefly over a reign of terror in Hungary. Jewish communists Kurt Eisner and Rosa Luxemburg did the same briefly in Bavaria. Because of the prominence of a few Jews, many Europeans wrongfully took to blaming all Jews for the disaster and suffering that communism caused in their lives as well as the real threat communism posed to the nations that remained free.”

...and then there was the matter of the 1933 'Declaration of War' and call for an international boycott of German trade, finances, and industry by organized Jewry on both sides of the globe that did not help public opinion of Jews in Germany at all:

"Most people are not aware that in March, 1933, when Hitler became the undisputed leader of Germany and began restricting the rights of German Jews, the American Jewish Congress announced a massive protest at Madison Square Garden and called for an American boycott of German goods.

On March 24, 1933, the London Daily Express published an article announcing that the Jews had already launched their boycott against Germany and described a forthcoming "holy war". The Express urged Jews everywhere to boycott German goods and demonstrate against German economic interests.

The Express said that Germany was "now confronted with an international boycott of its trade, its finances, and its industry....In London, New York, Paris and Warsaw, Jewish businessmen are united to go on an economic crusade."

The article went on, "worldwide preparations are being made to organize protest demonstrations."

"..... The intensity of the Jewish campaign against Germany was such that the Hitler government vowed that if the campaign did not stop there would be a one-day boycott in Germany of Jewish-owned stores.

Hitler's March 28, 1933 speech ordering a boycott against Jewish stores and goods was in direct response to the declaration of war on Germany by the worldwide Jewish leadership


"That same spring of 1933 there began a period of private cooperation between the German government and the Zionist movement in Germany and worldwide to increase the flow of German-Jewish immigrants and capital to Palestine."

And as like I said in answer to the question, the question was why did CHRISTIANS blindly follow Hitler. The ever racist Ky REDNECK responses answered nothing toward this question unless he assumes that the Roman Catholic Hitler,and all of the Roman Catholic followers of is were Christians.

Is that all you got, an empty smear? Pinpoint the racism that you knee jerk accuse me of. Actually methinks it's your aim to have the thread shut down like you did the other one.

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Wow, really? You referred to Jews, not just Zionists, but JEWS as terrorists, and you can't see the racism in that?...

Well. Yeah. Duh. Jews were the first terrorists and set the example for all to follow:


Telling the truth about matters is not racism, even if it means shedding light on the negative activities of 'God's ever so precious chosen ones' (read 'apple of God's eye').

....Give me a break.

Nah, with the vitriol and obnoxiousness you routinely spew towards Calvin, Calvinists, Catholics, rednecks, etc., and anything else that disagrees with you, don't hold your breath for any break from me. You and Revmitchell make a fine pair.
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New Member
Well. Yeah. Duh. Jews were the first terrorists and set the example for all to follow:


Telling the truth about matters is not racism, even if it means shedding light on the negative activities of 'God's ever so precious chosen ones' (read 'apple of God's eye').

Nah, with the vitriol and obnoxiousness you routinely spew towards Calvin, Calvinists, Catholics, rednecks, etc., and anything else that disagrees with you, don't hold your breath for any break from me.

You and Revmitchell make a fine pair.

So if all Jews are terrorists by proxy because some (a very SMALL number at that) that happened to be Jewish carried out something atrocious, then by proxy that still makes you a racist since it was AMERICANS that enslaved blacks. And Americans enslaved blacks for much longer than Israel has been reestablished as a nation.

What is ironic is the racist sources that you post don't actually believe that the current Zionists in Israel are the real Jews, but merely Ashkenazi Jews. They make no distinction between Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahim, etc. Thus if all the acts you describe (and most of those are distorted propaganda) were committed by someone that your sources don't even believe are real Jews, then how can you in the same breath say that Jews are terrorists?

And I noticed that each time I have mentioned the slavery issue, and the treatment of Indians by Americans, you haven't flinched. And what you have neglected to show is the majority of the sources you use against Jews also hate blacks as well. Again, each time I have mentioned slavery.....crickets.

I could do the same with Rednecks that you do with Jews. I can paste a dozen articles that show Rednecks are racists, especially since your very name includes the confederate state where the border from the north and side divided on slavery.
Governer Derides Racist Rednecks
*Why are Rednecks So Racist
Redneck Racist
The South's New Racial Politics
Zimbio Racist Rednecks
The Diry-Racist Redneck
News Report on "Redneck" Aryan
White, Proud and Redneck (Aryans)

There is so many links on rednecks and racism I could be here all day posting information on it.

I could also talk about how America staged its own terrorists attacks killing its own citizens on 911

And as far as the New World Order (the one on the back of your dollar bill)how many Americans are involved in the CFR, Illuminati, Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, United Nations (located at 666 United Nations Plaza New York). When Bush attacked Iraq to protect his oil interests, what did the government do when they let the reports out that there was never any intelligence verifying WMD's? How about the CIA training Osama bin Laden. Or the American Government sponsoring the murder of Northern African in coal mines to protect production of Colton for cell phones?

You complain about America assisting Israel financially, and your government sends $500 million dollars to terrorists in Egypt. Or how about George Bush's grandfather and other AMERICAN bankers (Dulles brothers) that funded Hitler during WW2?

You want to start quoting conspiracy sites about Jews, I can go Alex Jones on you all day long about America.

Oh by the way, newsflash if you didn't know, Jesus Christ was a Jew.
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Hitler said "... I am convinced that I am acting as the agent of our Creator. By fighting off the Jews. I am doing the Lord's work."

Not only Christians, but other Germans as well.

Of course there were some who did not, but....

Was it because Hitler did so much to help Germany following WWI?

Why did the Pope remain silent...


Those are good questions.

I think in many ways the people of Germany did feel a lot of resentment toward the rest of the world after WW1. So when a dynamic national leader came forth, most probably placed their hopes in him. This would probably include many Christians, who also worried about the economic situation of the time. Am I correct in thinking that Germany had gone through a depression as well?

Now...why did Christians look the other way when Jews began to be rounded up? Imo, it there was no excuse for doing so. Of course I have the benefit of hindsight and can look back through history and see what happened in the holocaust. But even if you didn't know the holocaust was coming, seeing fellow citizens (even if they were of a different faith) being beaten in the streets, having their shops closed, being set upon by police dogs, etc...how can a true Christian look the other way.

Of course...some didn't! Deitrich Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran pastor and virulent anti-Nazi. He saw what was going on and resisted the Nazis. Bless him, he opposed the persecution of the Jews. Sadly he was arrested by the Gestapo and executed only days before Germany surrendered.

People like Bonhoeffer were heroes!

Now...there are some who say that Pope Pius XII didn't do enough for Jews during that time. He did not name the Nazis in his wartime condemnations of racism and genocide. But it should be pointed out that he did intercede and save the lives of thousands of Jews by placing them in Catholic churches. And he shared intel with the Allies about German resistance.


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So if all Jews are terrorists by proxy because some....

Never have I said such a thing, in fact, from a previous post:

"...Jews did play a prominent role in the hated Bolshevik coup of November 1917 and subsequent communist revolutions and movements in Europe and elsewhere. Prominent Jewish Communists would be at the forefront of some of the worst aspects of those bloody revolutions. This fact was not lost on Europeans, especially those who suffered under the brutal communist yoke in the years leading up to Hitler. The Nazis would use these unpleasant facts as part of their Jew hating conspiracy theories and propaganda as they planned the liquidation of the innocent Jews of Europe.......Because of the prominence of a few Jews, many Europeans wrongfully took to blaming all Jews for the disaster and suffering that communism caused in their lives as well as the real threat communism posed to the nations that remained free."

...but you're too engrossed in spewing your vitriol to even notice.
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New Member
Never have I said such a thing, in fact, from a previous post:

"...Jews did play a prominent role in the hated Bolshevik coup of November 1917 and subsequent communist revolutions and movements in Europe and elsewhere. Prominent Jewish Communists would be at the forefront of some of the worst aspects of those bloody revolutions. This fact was not lost on Europeans, especially those who suffered under the brutal communist yoke in the years leading up to Hitler. The Nazis would use these unpleasant facts as part of their Jew hating conspiracy theories and propaganda as they planned the liquidation of the innocent Jews of Europe.......Because of the prominence of a few Jews, many Europeans wrongfully took to blaming all Jews for the disaster and suffering that communism caused in their lives as well as the real threat communism posed to the nations that remained free."

...but you're too engrossed in spewing your vitriol to even notice.

Post 36, You said, a:

"Wonder where THEY got the idea of terrorism in the first place"

Since I have made it clear that not only am I a Christian, but an independent fundamental Baptist, I am obviously not a Zionist. Yet your response to me was in response to my defending JEWS as a whole and as a RACE, and your response was "Wonder where THEY got the idea of terrorism from".

Not only that, but you criticized my usage of Zechariah 2:8 which is NOT A REFERENCE TO ZIONISTS but ISRAEL of the OT.

And for someone that claims not to be racist, you sure have put in an aweful lot of effort to site a plethora of conspiracy sites about Jews exclusively.


New Member
Well. Yeah. Duh. Post 37 pretty much shows the model many have followed since.

Wow, that really shows how much you know about Mohammed's history. And of course, the Muslims couldn't have possible learned that from the Catholic Crusades or Inquisitions several hundred years before any Jew was back in their homeland.


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Incredible. You're neither clever like a Jew nor are you smart like a doctor, it's actual Zionist perpetrators of the crime that are being interviewed in the clip.


New Member
Incredible. You're neither clever like a Jew nor are you smart like a doctor, it's actual Zionist perpetrators of the crime that are being interviewed in the clip.
I was referring to all of the other videos he had on his site. Wonder how you even found it; that question is even all the more curious. I have better things to do than to watch racist videos. If that floats your boat, I can't stop you.