Tom Bryant
Well-Known Member
Why did I join?... My Dad was a WWII Marine Corp Veteran, from Texas and after marrying my mother, decided this city she was from, was a good place to raise his family... So he settled in San Diego, which is by all means is a military city, where I grew up... He did his boot here just like I did at MCRD but he was a regular and I did boot as a reservist at 18 but went regular later, during Vietnam... Why did I become a Marine?... You didn't want me joining the Navy... Did ya!... In the words of Hank Williams Jr... Its a family tradition!
... Brother Glen
My grandfather was in WW 1; My father in WW 2, My uncle in Korea, I was in VietNam. I understand family tradition (and Bocephus)! I am also glad I had daughters who didn't want to join any of the military services.