A 3 year old child does NOT have demon's.......
When I was involved with a "Pentiecostal type home fellowship cult some 44 years ago, I was a babe in Christ, I did not the know the ways of the Lord. The woman "pastor" kept binding satan over the child and screaming to the 3 year old not to allow satan into his will.....Screaming and shouting and spanking while in the high chair! I ran outside because I could not take the screaming from the Pastor and the poor little boy screaming because he was frightened without measure! The little one had no understanding what was going on, and the Father of the son, just let it happen. Many years later that pastor was brought up on charges on various abuses, her own son's put a report against her. She was found guilty and sent to prison, but due to her health they let her out after 6 mos served, but I had departed from that group shortly after the Police raids on the three home locations, it was reported in all the papers with photos in Ontario.
So this group that is being presented here in the news, were not following the Lord in any measure! Rebellion is as witchcraft!
It is all very sad and disturbing, what is done in the name of the Dear Lord........and the world looks on and takes note......
The Lord bless you.....
In His Love......