Covenanter said: ↑
Also our countries seem to be afraid of speaking up against the Israelis for their oppression of the Palestinians, including the killing & maiming of peaceful marchers, including children & paramedics. Also the detention of children who throw stones at tanks attacking their homes & schools with tear gas & skunkwater. "We" are encouraging them in the destruction of homes & villages so Jewish settlers can take over Palestinian homes, land & resources.
Hmm. You really support islam. You might want to educate yourself.
My concern has nothing to do with the victims being Muslim. They are oppressed people living without hope. Moreover their sad condition is not recognised by the world's great powers. Read my above quote again. Do you really support such action against civilians? Do you support the arrest & imprisonment of young children - & their maiming & murder by IDF & settlers?
The OP indicates a fear of holding evil Muslims to account because they are Muslims. Should we not hold evil Jews to account for their actions against Palestinian civilians?
Your cited videos in support of Israel against the Palestinians do not address the question. We are Christians.
There is no NT Scripture teaching, prophesying a return of the land promised to Israel to Jewish occupation & control, nor a restoration of a Jewish kingdom. Romans 9-11 discusses the situation of the Jewish establishment, aka Israel, continuing in unbelief. The Jews are assured of acceptance by God if they do not continue in unbelief. Many thousands of Jews did respond to the Gospel, as recorded in Acts. Paul & the other Apostles, as well as Jews scattered by persecution preached to their fellow Jews many having been dispersed centuries before.
When the European Jews were given Palestine as a homeland there was indeed resistance. The Jews were led by well-armed terrorist groups. They expelled many thousands of Palestinians from their homes, both Christian & Muslim, taking over villages & resources. Of course there was resistance, but after 6 years of WW2 the Arab countries were unable to drive the Jews out. Seems they would have accepted a quick victory, but not a prolonged struggle. Palestinian refugees have not been resettled, & many continue in refugee camps. Sadly the neighbouring countries have not allowed them to settle - the argument is that they have a homeland to which one day they may return.
Do you approve of the expulsion of Palestinians living peaceful in Jerusalem so it can be a Jewish city? The demolishing of homes & schools built on land claimed by settlers? Settlement sewage being directed onto villages & farmland? Palestinian water being taken by settlers, even wells being deliberately polluted? Ancient & new olive groves being destroyed? Homes, hospitals, schools utilities being repeatedly bombed? Farmland being sprayed with herbicides?
There are plenty of Christian videos as well as Jewish & Palestinian supporting what I write.
It not simply a matter of history & the Palestinians refusing to accept a peaceful settlement.
In line with the OP I am asking - "Why do the "Christian" world powers accept & support Israel as if it were above the standards of Biblical & common justice? As if the Christ rejecting Jews were to be blessed because they are Jews, & not accountable for their sins?