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Zaac ... I figured this topic would grab your attention, and knowing you; I figured you would respond like you did! And believe me, I am not putting your thoughts down, because we both agree, that what you have said above [and below] is spot on!
Still, I have to ask you one question, of all these things/sins you say we "excuse" are you ever guilty of one of these?
We excuse away our drinking.
We excuse away our smoking.
We excuse away what we watch.
We excuse away what we listen to.
We excuse away why we disrespect authority.
We excuse away how we support a man who rejects Jesus while purporting to still want folks to come to Christ.
We excuse away the way we dress.
We excuse away our prejudices.
We excuse away our lack of love.
We excuse away our judging outside the church.
We excuse away our gluttony...our gossiping...and our phoniness.
We excuse away our desire to win an argument as defense of the faith.
We excuse away our nastiness in how we respond to others.
We excuse away the truth and ask for unneeded examples when we well know exactly what is being talked about.
The way I read your posts, sometimes, you have to be the most sin-free men I've ever met! BUT, are you as perfect as you proclaim others on this board aren't?
Just wondering! Do you have any vices? Do you ever wink at the very things you accuse others of winking at?
If you are that perfect in thought and deed, then I :applause: you brother!
I know I am still suffering from a sin condition; a condition that the grace of God through the ever changing process of sanctification is working to make me more like Him and less like the flesh I inherited as a new born infant!
Years ago, before I fell flat on my face and went away in a prodigal daze, I used to listen to preachers and watch some preach on television, and question how they could be so perfect, while I fluttered around in the mud, trying to get out. When my first wife filed for divorce and moved in with another man, I listened to the words of condemnation for saintly men, and allowed my thoughts about not being as perfect as those TV preachers seemed, and I told myself that I must not be worthy, and decided to return to the flesh!
But after big name preachers started falling, one by one, and scandal brought down many well known preachers, I began to see, that all that talk was condemnation, and not one bit factual. No one who preached the sinfree walk were actually able to deliver.
I saw that there was room for a person who had their position with God changed through the gift of grace by the act of Justification, and I finally realized that sanctification spoke to two things:
One was that in the eyes of God, I had a sanctified spirit. A spirit that was "a set-aside condition" and that made me special ... BUT the process of sanctification was two-fold, and God was forever concerned about the condition of my walk and talk, and while my sanctified condition was forgiven, my condition in this body was still in need of attention. The kind of attention that Bible study, prayer and teaching [from the Spirit] was forever working to mold me, break me, and mold me repeatedly, until I got to heaven, I was in a constant state of spiritual flux, changing for the better, but I would never achieve perfection while in this body!
I hope that makes sense to you!
That is why I ask who and what you really are. Are you as perfect as you set yourself up to be, or are you struggling too???
Stop acting like you're a dog that I hit with a brick. As a learned person, you're well capable of seeing that I started each excuse with WE.
You aren't wondering. You're on the attack just because your toes got stepped on.
Here's the set up.
And here's the "let me put you in your holier than thou place" veiled as a teaching moment.
And here is the return sweep where you come back after pretending to teach to show that the true intent was to put me in my place because your toes felt stepped on.
As you are a schooled man, let me ask that you please focus on the use of the word WE.:thumbs: It would have saved me the time of once again having to point out your guised self-promoting righteousness post while trying to make me out to be less holier than thou than you seem to think I think I am.
Now all we need is your denial post where you say " I was just...":flower:
Just sayin' that some people use "We" but never mean "Me!" You could never step on my toes. I have always been candid, maybe too much, but transparent, knowing that I have my failings. Knowing that my condition is continually in need of work.
YOU still didn't answer my question ... Zaac! Of all those "We" statements, which do you have the most difficuity with?
You are right about one thing ... I was being aggressive, you call it "On the attack" in attempting to see where you stand, really-truly stand in realtion to the same things you keep pointing out to so many on the board. Which "We" is your vice. Can't you be honest and share, after all the Word tells us to share our "sins" with one another, so "We" can pray for those who have a weakness!
Would like to see the real Zaac, and I apologoze if that seems like an attack! :thumbs: