If you have access to health care for free why pay for health insurance?
No one has access to free health care. Doctors get paid for what they do. The question is who is going to pay for it.
Second, there are a lot of reasons why people have health insurance, including choosing doctors and hospitals. Why do people buy cars when they can walk for free? Because for some people, certain things are important and they are not important for others. And some people can afford a 2009 Lexus and others can only afford a bus ride. But both have transportation. The idea that everyone should have the same thing is nonsensical.
But you are really missing the point. The point is that you simply didn't tell the truth. Everyone has healthcare. Don't mislead about other people's position. That's unethical.
If you want everyone to have health insurance, how do you propose to pay for it over the long run? It is easy to make grand promises, but healthcare isn't free. So how are you going to pay for it?
The answer is health care for free isn't very good. That's why the US is rated number 34 in the world for HEALTH CARE.
I think we all know that the health care in the US is not 34th in the world. That's a baldfaced lie that no one really believes unless they are determined to peddle a position. You probably don't even really believe that. You just say it because it is the only way you can make your point. I have been around the world, and seen hospitals, and I assure you that I would rather be here than anywhere in the world. You probably would too.