BaptistBeliever said:Are we CERTAIN there is no black blood in Bush's line.? Maybe George Bush was the first mulatto President.
Maybe, who knows? Wouldn't that be funny!:laugh:
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BaptistBeliever said:Are we CERTAIN there is no black blood in Bush's line.? Maybe George Bush was the first mulatto President.
rbell said::applause: :applause:
I do that as well. When I have to put a race (it is NONE of the gubmint's business) I always put "Eskimo/Inuit."
At least I screw up the numbers.
Bible-boy said:Come on now you don't mean to say that you lie?![]()
Bible-boy said:How about he is our first half-black-half-white President?
LeBuick said:I like that, what about hybrid...
I think African American is more correct since his dad was from Africa and his mom from America.
Lebuick said:The reason he's considered black dates back to slavery, when the slave owners had kids with the slaves, the child was considered black and lived as a slave.
Bible-boy said:That's funny. You know Dr. Eitel (Missions Prof. here at SEBTS and now at SWBTS) tells a story about when he and his family came home to the US from serving in Cameroon. His daughter was filling out college applications and he noticed that she had checked "Africa-American." He told her she could not do that. She responded, "Why not? I was born in Africa and I am an American.".
Bible-boy said:Maybe, who knows? Wouldn't that be funny!:laugh:
steaver said:What if he would have been born with prominent white features from say his grandfather of his mother's side. What if he had no black features, what would they have said then?
Just wondering......
carpro said:No one would care. He wouldn't have been running for president.
LeBuick said:Why not, you saying he only ran because he's black?
carpro said:Had he been white, he wouldn't have been a blip on the radar of presidential politics. Just another one of the guys.
No doubt at all.
LeBuick said:I see, you think Hillary would have beat him in the primaries. He does a good speech so he might have made it close.
Steven2006 said:I know what the term means. I still stand by my statement.
I guess if you has a child that had big ears, you would see nothing wrong with other children describing them as the kid with big ears, since you couldn't prove they were not being accurate? It is call having tact and a minimum of class.
If you had any close black friends (something tells me a good bet would be you don't) and they had mixed parents would you introduce them as your mulatto friend?
I think your motive for posting this is pretty clear.
ShotGunWillie said:This race wasn't about race until the race was over, now the race was all about race.
exscentric said:Have any of you read his books - does he explain why he picked to be black. Most I've seen on tv that speak of it had things in their lives that moved them to one side or the other. Honest question. No underlying motives. Not racist. :thumbs: