Today, under protest of many cities, communities and county and state officials, Obama signed into law the designation of a good portion of the San Gabriel Mountain Range as a National Monument.
I an not opposed to this, but again, I don't live in the areas affected by this designation. In fact, I like the idea of knowing that the very mountains I used for years for weekend camping trips, snow days, and other memorable times is now a part of the new National Monument! I feel like I was a part of history in the making! With that said ......
The problem is, and I don't mean to be picking at Obama, because he gets that enough these days (and I do my part in criticizing him, too) .... was that within the speech he gave, he used a sentence I felt was not necessary as it once again seemed to me; he was catering/pandering to the underprivileged people and children of color, rather doing this for all Californians and Americans, whose taxes will be used to upgrade and maintain this new monument!
Here is the sentence that miffed me, “We heard from the community. For a lot of urban families, this is their only outdoor space, especially children of color who don’t have access to parks.” And here is the ink to the article from which this sentence was linked to -
This thought put forward by Obama today is one more untruth, or lie. The children of color [like children without color] in this part of the state of California have access to literally thousands of parks and recreational areas. Plus we have national monuments within driving distance, and they are even now, being enjoyed by children, regardless of their color!
Here are two links that list National Parks, Monuments and Historical Sites in California, and especially southern California!
Now, before some of you jump down my throat for being against people of color, please read the links, and please ask yourself if the statement about "children of color" was really and truly necessary? It is my belief that Obama uses every opportunity to further polarize and alienates this country based upon color!
So I ask .... was that statement really necessary?
I an not opposed to this, but again, I don't live in the areas affected by this designation. In fact, I like the idea of knowing that the very mountains I used for years for weekend camping trips, snow days, and other memorable times is now a part of the new National Monument! I feel like I was a part of history in the making! With that said ......
The problem is, and I don't mean to be picking at Obama, because he gets that enough these days (and I do my part in criticizing him, too) .... was that within the speech he gave, he used a sentence I felt was not necessary as it once again seemed to me; he was catering/pandering to the underprivileged people and children of color, rather doing this for all Californians and Americans, whose taxes will be used to upgrade and maintain this new monument!
Here is the sentence that miffed me, “We heard from the community. For a lot of urban families, this is their only outdoor space, especially children of color who don’t have access to parks.” And here is the ink to the article from which this sentence was linked to -
This thought put forward by Obama today is one more untruth, or lie. The children of color [like children without color] in this part of the state of California have access to literally thousands of parks and recreational areas. Plus we have national monuments within driving distance, and they are even now, being enjoyed by children, regardless of their color!
Here are two links that list National Parks, Monuments and Historical Sites in California, and especially southern California!
Now, before some of you jump down my throat for being against people of color, please read the links, and please ask yourself if the statement about "children of color" was really and truly necessary? It is my belief that Obama uses every opportunity to further polarize and alienates this country based upon color!
So I ask .... was that statement really necessary?
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