This view was recognized by the Jews
[5] as seen in Daniel 9:24-27, and as seen in
Jesus' use of the day-year principle in Luke 13 verses 31-33, and in the early church.
[6] The day-year principle was first used in Christian exposition in 380 AD by
Tychonius, who interpreted the three and a half days of
Revelation 11:9 as three and a half years, writing 'three days and a half; that is, three years and six months' ('dies tres et dimidium; id est annos tres et menses sex').
[7] In the 5th century
Faustus of Riez gave the same interpretation of Revelation 11:9, writing 'three and a half days which correspond to three years and six months' ('Tres et dimidius dies tribus annis et sex mensibus respondent),
[8] and in c. 550
Primasius also gave the same interpretation, writing 'it is possible to understand the three days and a half as three years and six months' ('Tres dies et dimidium possumus intelligere tres annos et sex menses').
[8] The same interpretation of
Revelation 11:9 was given by the later Christian expositors
Bede (730 AD), as well as
disambiguation needed], and
Berengaud (all of the ninth century).
[8] Primasius appears to have been the first to appeal directly to previous Biblical passages in order to substantiate the principle, referring to
Numbers 14:34 in support of his interpretation of the three and a half days of Revelation 11:9
Others who expounded the
Historicist interpretation are
John Wycliffe,
John Knox,
William Tyndale,
Martin Luther,
John Calvin,
Ulrich Zwingli,
Phillip Melanchthon,
Sir Isaac Newton,
Jan Huss,
John Foxe,
John Wesley,
Jonathan Edwards,
George Whitefield,
Charles Finney,
C. H. Spurgeon,
Matthew Henry,
Adam Clarke,
Albert Barnes,
E. B. Elliot,
H. Grattan Guinness,
and Bishop Thomas Newton as exponents of this school.
Jamieson Fausset Brown
Dan 7:25
The 1260 years of papal misrule in the name of Christ may be represented by three and a half years of open Antichristianity and persecution before the millennium. Witnessing churches may be succeeded by witnessing individuals, the former occupying the longer, the latter the shorter period (
Re 11:3). The
beginning of the 1260 years is by ELLIOTT set at A.D. 529 or 533, when Justinian's edict acknowledged Pope John II to be head of the Church; by LUTHER, at 606, when Phocas confirmed Justinian's grant. But 752 is the most likely date, when the
temporal dominion of the popes began by Pepin's grant to Stephen II (for Zachary, his predecessor's recognition of his title to France), confirmed by Charlemagne. For it was then first that the little horn plucked up three horns, and so became the prolongation of the fourth
secular kingdom [NEWTON]. This would bring us down to about A.D. 2000, or the seventh thousand millenary from creation. But CLINTON makes about 1862 the seventh millenary, which may favor the dating from A.D. 529.
Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
Dan 7:25
a time
That is, three years and a half, or, reckoning thirty days to a month,
1,260 days, equal to the same number of years in prophetic language; which, dated from the decree of Phocas constituting him the supreme head of the church, A.D. 606, terminated in 1866.[/FONT]
[FONT="]DHK quotes Robertson
Forty and two months (
mênas tesserakonta kai duo). Accusative of extent of time. This period in
Da 7:25;
12:7. It occurs in three forms in the Apocalypse (forty-two months, here and
Re 13:5; 1260 days,
Re 11:3;
12:6; time, times and half a time or 3 1/2 years,
Re 12:14 and so in Daniel).
Robertson's Word Pictures of the New Testament
Revelation 12:14
There were given (
[FONT="]edoqhsan[/FONT]). As in
Revelation 8:2 ;
Rev 9:1 Rev 9:3 .
The two wings of the great eagle (
[FONT="]ai duo pteruge tou aetou tou megalou[/FONT]). Not the eagle of
Revelation 8:13 , but the generic use of the article. Every eagle had two wings. Probably here, as in
Matthew 24:28 , the griffon or vulture rather than the true eagle is pictured. For the eagle in the O.T. see
Exodus 19:4 ;
Isaiah 40:31 ;
Job 9:26 ; Pr 24:54.
That she might fly (
[FONT="]ina pethtai[/FONT]). Purpose clause with
[FONT="]ina[/FONT] and present middle subjunctive of
[FONT="]petomai[/FONT], old verb, to fly, in N.T. only in the Apocalypse (
Job 4:7 ;
Job 8:13 ;
Job 12:14 ;
Job 14:6 ;
Job 19:17 ). Resumption of the details in verse
Job 12:6 (which see) about the "wilderness," her "place," the redundant
[FONT="]ekei[/FONT] with
[FONT="]opou[/FONT], the "time and times, and half a time" (
[FONT="]kairon kai kairou kai hmisu[/FONT]), 1260 days