AA has saved the physical lives of a lot of people and their families. I'm very pro-AA.
It's not a religious organization for crying out loud and doesn't pose as one. And just because it isn't doesn't mean it shouldn't be supported.
You can't solve the problems of the world by dragging them to a Sunday morning service and singing "Bringing in the Sheaves" and dunking then under the water.
God gave us brains to use and discernment to use. Sometimes medical help, competent medical counseling, and having an outlet to talk out ones issues is warranted and saves lives.
One can love the church and support AA at the same time.
I agree...I do think though that for the Christian TRUE Repentance and a closer walk with God should be enough.
I smoked cigarettes (maybe 6 a day) for 10 years and weed for 8 although not a lot (never been drunk, don't like anything that controlled me) till I got saved. I quit both within 2 weeks, cause I was spirit filled and didn't want to offend God who was in me. If more people had this outlook and yielded to the Holy Spirits work in their life, they wouldn't need AA or CR...
I have found many of these types of people who have addictions juts SUBSTITUTE one addiction for another...coffee, soda, energy drinks, sugar, smokes, etc...they are never fully recovered...much like the bible says about the one who CLEANS HIS OWN HOUSE...then 7 more demons take over. Matt 12:43-45