Good morning kids. Thursday and the penultimate night of the Democrat National Fiasco went over about as well as you'd imagine. That is, if anyone was watching it. The ratings for the first two nights are way off with Tuesday's viewership below that of, ironically enough America's Got Talent. Seems that America's got brains for not tuning in to what can best be described as a snuff video. It must be awfully tiresome to have to read my musings about how horrendous, vapid, toxic and insane the speeches were. I'm friggin' tired of it, but I'll persist, because it's important to underscore just how malevolent these people are.
They're malevolent because as they wretch up the most revolting bile about how horrible the President is, the self-righteous garbage about how put upon as supposed victims or empathizers of victims that they are, the nation is being torn apart at their behest while they ignore or otherwise obfuscate it. For the Democrat Party and American Left to consign the nation as founded, its history and people to eternal damnation for the sins and crimes against humanity that they are guilty of is just the bitter end for me. The rank hypocrisy and projection is unbearable. One that crystallizes it for me is the absolutely senseless evil that snuffed out the life of a five-year-old boy.
The unhappy truth is that Cannon Hinnant is dead because his killer wasn't in jail. And George Floyd is dead and a nation is on fire because he wasn't safely tucked away in prison.
Criminal justice reform didn't do anyone any favors. Not the criminals or their victims.
Democrats killed Cannon Hinnant, they killed George Floyd, and they're killing American cities.
Instead of dealing with the disaster, the Democrats continue to treat dead criminals like saints while ignoring their victims. They feed racial narratives, filling headlines with 'white' perpetrators and 'black' victims while ignoring stories like Cannon's murder that don't fit their racial narrative...
George Floyd was high on fentanyl. The source of the deadly drug is often China.
If Obama hadn't given China's drug trade a pass while making sure Americans needed an ID to buy cough syrup, the entire Floyd case might never have happened. The more America goes after foreign drug industries, the less it needs to spend time policing Americans.
Just like Islamic terrorism, we can fight it at the source, or we can try controlling it at home.
If China were shipping IEDs to America that were killing 30,000 people a year, we would have a national response. But it's just pushing chemicals that are killing 30,000 Americans a year...
None of this is what the media wants to talk about because it strikes at the heart of the governance failures of their political party. Instead it wants to convince Americans to double down on the same policies that killed Cannon Hinnant, that killed George Floyd, and that are killing tens of thousands of Americans every single year with bullets, knives, and overdoses.
The Democrats embraced criminals, championing their voting rights, their employment rights, and their right not to be locked up for committing crimes. They need to be held accountable...
From Paul Bradford at American Greatness:
...[Cannon] Hinnant's senseless murder is not an ordinary crime and we shouldn't shrug it off as a sad, but typical tragedy in modern America. That's the mindset that smothers us into apathy and acceptance of things we should never tolerate.
His death is certainly more relevant to crime trends than George Floyd's death or the "noose" discovered by NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace. Both of those widely covered events were treated as representative of the discrimination all blacks suffer in America. Unarmed blacks, we were expected to believe, are at an incredible risk of being murdered by cops, as Floyd's death allegedly proves. And blacks can suffer horrible discrimination and harassment regardless of their income, as Wallace's phony hate hoax allegedly showed.
Both of those narratives are more important to the Left than the death of an innocent child. The first narrative is based on false assumptions. Only 10 unarmed blacks died at the hands of police in 2019; most of the cases were ruled justifiable homicides. The cases included a black man who attacked and stole a police officer's taser before being shot and another man who drove his car into police.
But those 10 cases, we are assured, amount to a "genocide" and justify rioting, anarchy, looting, the destruction of American heritage, and defunding the police.
In contrast, and in fact, crimes like the Hinnant murder are far more common. There were 514 black-on-white murders committed in 2018. That's more than two times higher than the number of white-on-black murders. That same year saw more than 500,000 black-on-white violent incidents; just under 60,000 white-on-black violent incidents occurred in 2018. Blacks are only 13 percent of the population, yet commit the majority of interracial violence.
Blacks themselves live under much greater threat from black-on-black violence than they do from murder-by-cop. There were 2,600 black-on-black murders in 2018, a much higher figure than the number of unarmed blacks killed by police...
...The real exploiters are those who weaponize George Floyd's death and others to change our society for the worse. They demand we think his death and those like it are the greatest injustices in our society -- while ignoring more horrific crimes that happen on an all-too-regular basis.
To successfully commit moral blackmail against America, the media and liberal elites have to pretend that Hinnant's death is no big deal. The real horrors are what they share on the nightly news and publish columns about. They're declaring that not all lives matter -- only the ones that serve their agenda do.
When people say, and rightly so, that 2020 is going to be the most important election of our lifetimes, this right here is what it's all about. You can Green New Deal, open borders, nationalized health care and all the rest from now until Kingdom Come. Don't get me wrong; they are important.
But when you get right down to it, it all boils down to the question, what is the value of a single human life? Leftist hero Josef Stalin infamously once quipped, "the death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic." When you view those in context of the tragedies of Cannon Hinnant and George Floyd, and how each has been treated by the Democrat-Media Complex... Wow.