That's exactly right. Until the last century with the rise of what I consider to be the backwater theologies of the IFB's N

NE believed this weird hodge-podge of doctrines. Christians never believed this stuff before. What you believe while holding on to slim parts of Calvinism but MAINLY embracing Arminianism and embracing either one howsoever it suits you with no regard to how it all fits together- that is NEW DOCTRINE.
The IFB's under, perhaps the influence of Finney, (ultimately Finney- I know the IFB's came along a good deal after Finney) gave you this stuff you call doctrine.
But no theologian before the last century espoused it.
You all just MADE IT UP.
The Southern Baptists have historically been Calvinistic until they gave in to this weird eclectic stuff you espouse.
Arminianism is consistent. No one point stands in contradiction to another. It has biblical support and is sufficiently systematized and represents the beliefs of many theologians throughout Church History.
That makes Arminianism which Free Will Baptists and Methodists adhere to a FAR better theology than what you guys made up just a few years ago.
This is not true, as our view of eternal security is distinctly different from the Arminians, and as such, we (like the C and A's) are consistent with the theology we hold.