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Why I don't buy gas at 7-11

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by Acts 1:8, Nov 9, 2002.

  1. Gina B

    Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    If someone smiles at you and you think sex than it's your problem, not hers, unless she's laying on a bed or doing something ridiculous to make you think that. A little common sense is in order here. There are definite ways for a woman or man to provoke those thoughts while being fully dressed, and I think most of you are smart enough to figure that one out without going into detail on it.
    And Joshua and others who say it isn't porn, What about a woman in a g-string and what amounts to a bra on the front cover of a mag ISN'T pornographic? That isn't nudity? What about a shirt that shows halfway down a woman's chest? That isn't nudity? What IS your definition of nudity?
  2. Jim1999

    Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I think pulpits should be lowered to floor level so we no longer have to refrain from seeing the lowcut dresses in the front pews.......just kidding, but really close in summer.



    At 6 foot, at least I can look over their heads,,,,,most anyway....lol [​IMG]

    PS. I thik Joshua meant Soft Corn and forgot to edit it

    [ November 09, 2002, 11:46 PM: Message edited by: Jim1999 ]
  3. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    I agree, Gina.

    But I wonder if there is an issue here of say a few million Christians expecting say 200 million non-Christians of acting regenerate when they are not born again?

    Our local Wal-Mart now has a family-friendly lane for those who have a problem with some of the magazine covers at the check-out counters. In a large store like that this would seem to be a good way to satisfy all. If you have a problem with some magazine covers, especially if you have children with you, then you can use this lane. If you are by yourself, go to the shortest line. [​IMG]
  4. HeDied4U

    HeDied4U Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 6, 2001
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    Quoted by Ken Hamilton,

    Quoted by Gina,

    Very well stated Gina. Thank you.

    God Bless!!!

    Adam :cool: [​IMG]
  5. Acts 1:8

    Acts 1:8 New Member

    Oct 24, 2002
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    I formed a group on yahoo for stuff like this called "The American League of Porn Fighters"


    If we can get enough like-minded people in there we can do more than just talk about this kind of stuff [​IMG]

    Please Join!
  6. Acts 1:8

    Acts 1:8 New Member

    Oct 24, 2002
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    I just called the 7-11 I photographed and left a complaint with the attendant who seemed very receptive. I left my name and number for the manager and requested that the magazines be moved to a different part of the store so little kids will have a much less likely chance of seeing them. I'll post the follow up photograph once they are moved [​IMG]
  7. Rev. G

    Rev. G New Member

    Sep 16, 2002
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    "I have written you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people--not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world: But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, or an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat. What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? God will judge those outside."
    - 1 Corinthians 5:9-13a

    I propose that you:

    1) Buy gas regularly at 7-11.
    2) Build a relationship with an employee (or employees) there, getting to know them when you go in to pay for your gas (and possibly a Big Gulp [​IMG] ).
    3) Pray for the employee(s).
    4) Proclaim the Gospel to the employee(s).

    Perhaps we would be better witnesses if we practiced church discpline in a biblical manner - that is, dealing with the sinfulness within our own congregations (and not in the "world") while seeking to win the lost to Christ. How sad that we often forego admonishment / church discipline because it is "uncomfortable," but we have no problem targeting "pagans" for acting as they are - "pagans".

    Rev. G

    [ November 10, 2002, 10:36 PM: Message edited by: Rev. G ]
  8. hrhema

    hrhema New Member

    Mar 26, 2002
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    Most convenience store companies keep the porno hid behind counters or behind covers so children don't see the covers but not all.

    There is a company out of Texarkana Tx called EZ mart which does not take a stand on this. They have ignored the complaints of people for years.
    Sometimes there is a manager who has a conscious that will keep the magazines behind the counter or covered.

    I think there are still too many small convenience stores and some chains that have the real stuff exposed that Christians ought to be dealing with then right now to be worried about Cosmopolitans etc.
  9. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Finally, soneone besides me who thinks Cosmo qualifies as soft porn!!!! However, it's not women in bathing suits that I have a problem with. I have a problem with the ads that read "101 ways to make him horny" and the like.

    My ex and I often got into this. I insisted that she not keep copies of Cosmo around the house for our then 8 yo daughter to see. I finally made my point by buying a copy of playboy and left it out with her magazines. She came unglued, but I got my point across.

    For years, I've been complaining about Cosmo and similar mags at eye level at our local supermarkets. Recently, Ralph's Grocery has been placing modesty placards over the such publications.

    [ November 12, 2002, 12:42 PM: Message edited by: Johnv ]
  10. Alliswell

    Alliswell New Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    We buy gas at a Conoco station in Brookshire Brothers Grocery Chain parking lot.

    This is not exactly on the subject, but I received an e mail listing the companies who retail gasoline, and what percentage of their oil comes from the middle east.

    Conoco was on the list of companies who do not get ANY of theirs from the middle east.

    Look Up! Redemption draws nigh!

    Shalom [​IMG]
  11. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    btw - I should have pointed out. I'm not favoring a boycott of 7-11, but I'm calling for a little more responsibility in their selling methods of certain items. That said, they're not gonna please everyone all the time. In other words, I'm not gonna expect them to cover-up TV guide if they've got someone with a bikini on it, but someone else might.
  12. LauraB

    LauraB New Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    I am outraged! As a woman I am so tired of our gender being portrayed in that manner. Why can't a pretty woman been seen with clothes on?

    Not a good message we are sending to young girls. Young girls will grow up thinking this is proper, well it's there in black and white. And little boys thinking that's how all woman should be. I don't want my son growing up looking at pornography. This also is for the grown men too!

    It should be banned altogether. As Gina said on the first page, we can't even stop abortions, and that is murder, there is no way we can stop this. Too many people like it, too many people have the devil whispering in their ear that it's ok. Too many people give in to that temptation.

    Lets face it, if no one bought it then it would go away. But there are more of them than there are of us. But that's not to say we can't give it a fighting battle!
  13. hrhema

    hrhema New Member

    Mar 26, 2002
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    Women are not the only ones being portrayed that way. The latest is a certain clothing company is fixing to shock America with a serious of pictures that will show full frontal nudity of a man changing into a certain type underwear.

    These ads will show that men are fixing to be
    exploited just like women.
  14. AdoptedDaughter

    AdoptedDaughter New Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    It's not the people buying the merchandise that keeps it alive, it's all the men and women who willingly pose for money...We wouldn't have this problem if more people in this world had enough respect to cover their bodies and save themselves for their husbands/wives only...

    How many porn magazines would be out there if no men or women would be willing to show their bodies nude for the world to see?
  15. stubbornkelly

    stubbornkelly New Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    Well, that's certainly true, Teresa.

    But I certainly don't think Cosmo or Abercrombie or even Playboy and the like should be banned. :rolleyes: Sure, the porn shouldn't be at kids' eye level. Generally, stores should use good judgement when displaying their wares. And sometimes they need to be called on their poor judgement.

    FWIW, that's an issue of major contention in even the liberal circles. Just a side question - men work in the sex industry, too. Doesn't that fact mean they're already being "exploited?" I wouldn't think a new catalogue spread would start their being exploited. Just a thought.

    [ November 13, 2002, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: stubbornkelly ]
  16. Rev. G

    Rev. G New Member

    Sep 16, 2002
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    Laura, you have a right to be outraged! Pornography is a great evil that exploits men and women, and degrades the beauty of those who have been made in the image of God. It also denigrates the gift that God has given to us in our human sexuality. Being sexual creatures is not a bad thing - it is a good thing, because that is how God created us. However, He has laid down the rules for how we are to conduct ourselves in this area of our lives. The only acceptable way to express ourselves in this area is through marriage - a husband and a wife.

    The battle will not be won through boycotts. It will only be won through the proclamation of the Gospel and prayer (Ephesians 6). Our warfare is not of this world, it is a spiritual battle. Therefore we must fight it with spiritual means - in God's way.

    Rev. G
  17. hrhema

    hrhema New Member

    Mar 26, 2002
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    Hollywood has slowly and subtly inched further and further into its slimy descend. In Europe nudity is already shown fully on regular Television. We might have it on night time and cable channels but people are pushing and pushing to get more and more explicit on regular tv. They will do it first in magazines that were at one time just skirting the edge but now who has gone over it.

    When these ads with full male nudity in them slip by without much protest then this same company has vowed to slip them on television.

    What is really sad is that we get upset over the wording on some covers while the internet is sucking our men and women and children into a quagmire of garbage and sexual muck. Small children are using words that I never heard at that age and know exactly about sex and even homosexuality. We have become just like Israel.
    God said that Israel had forgotten how to blush and America and even many thousands of Christians have forgotten how to blush. How to be ashamed.
    We have been so inundated with sexuality in magazines that are basically not bad and other avenues such as billboards and tv commercials that nothing shocks us anymore. This is why we have a generation coming up that thinks there is nothing wrong with living together or even with homosexuality and I am talking about kids in church. Pulpits are silent as our kids lose all morality. Oh sure there are movements out there that are helping to keep our kids pure but there are a lot more out there trying to drag them into this muck and quagmire.
  18. Johnv

    Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    FYI - nudity has been on European television since the 70's; this is not a new thing.

    What's quite interesting is that European television is pretty devoid of violence. Here we have copious violence, but our tv shows are pretty much devoid of nudity.

    Between the two, I think we're getting the short end of the deal, frankly.
  19. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    The problem here is that we can't have our cake and eat it, too. If we are going to say it is bad to buy oil from the Middle East and we are going to say it is bad to drill for oil in Alaska, then the only alternative is to pay much, much more for our gasoline...which of course would be blamed on "greedy" oil companies.

  20. Acts 1:8

    Acts 1:8 New Member

    Oct 24, 2002
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    Just a follow up...

    I contacted the manager at the 7-11 and she advised there was nothing she could do because Maxim leases the magazine space at the 7-11 counters. Looks like I'll be spending my American dollars at the british petroleum station across the way untill I contact some higher-ups at 7-11. I've sent another letter to Phil at conservative petitions.com