Well-Known Member
Clarifying post #98.
Can you present one verse of Scripture from the New Testament to support the "rapture" and the "parenthesis church" which as Walvoord said are irrevocably linked.[Post #70]
His scripture was clearly set forth:thumbs:
The Apostle paul was quite clear in Romans that God has NOT forever cast away national isreal, the Jews, for ever since that time, there has been a remnant of them saved out from within national isreal, and THOSE would be true spiritual isreal!
Paul saw true isrealites.children of abraham, as those who received Yeshua as their messiah, and we gentiles were in the Church, as were they, but God ses Spiritual isreal as being saved jews within the church, and he still has future plans for national one!
We are currently in the Age of Grace/Church Age, and until the Rapture and Great tribulation, BOTH Jews/gentiles are in the church as the saved, but when church departs, Time of jacobs troubles falls upon national Isreal, as God prepares thm to meet their messiah again and welcome Him this time!
THAT event will be as peter said in acts, a time of refreshening,as isreal becomes back with God, Nation reborn, and whiole earth benefited by that !
Can you present one verse of Scripture from the New Testament to support the "rapture" and the "parenthesis church" which as Walvoord said are irrevocably linked.[Post #70]