We seem to have 2 kinds of conservative preachers around here. The first kind I would describe as cultural warriors fighting sin tooth and nail, fighting falsehood the same way. They seem to have few converts and those that they win don't seem to have a true change in lifestyle.
The other type are not soft on sin or liberal by any means, but focus on preaching the truth about Jesus Christ. They seem to lead more to faith and when someone comes to faith under this Christ centered preaching you see lives changed.
In short, the opposite effect of what many Christian leaders seem to teach.
Why would this be??
The other type are not soft on sin or liberal by any means, but focus on preaching the truth about Jesus Christ. They seem to lead more to faith and when someone comes to faith under this Christ centered preaching you see lives changed.
In short, the opposite effect of what many Christian leaders seem to teach.
Why would this be??