Originally posted by poncho:
... But, I also intend to go on exposing corruption in the government no matter if it's local county state federal or global. On the left on the right in the middle blue green or purple. And most especially the globalists no matter who's team they are on. ...
That's something we should all do! None of us should become so blinded or so loyal as to not want to see and reveal corruption or misuse of power or deviations from original intentions at any level of government by any political party.
The kinds of connections that ASLANSPAL frequently makes have come to have little to no credibility with me. These kinds of allegations have no substance and are easily seen for what they really are. Many are as incoherent as they are unfounded. The more they continue the more certain I am what they have to say isn't worth considering. They seem more based in a deep disdain for one person - the President - and anything or anyone that in anyway is connected with him or suggests any positive attribute about him.
Many people, such as you, Poncho, seem to have sincere intentions in your comments whether pro or con for a given political viewpoint. You at least get my attention and respect even if we don't always agree. Sometimes I don't buy the "globalization" theory but many elements of what you present to support that theory are worth consideration even on their own individual merits. There's at least some credibility in the theory. What I do like is that you stand against corruption, against misuse of power, and against deviations from original Constitutional government. Those are concepts I can and do support!
It's good to have people around that raise questions. It's good to be at least somewhat distrusting of government because the people in it can certainly otherwise misuse the power given to them in blind trust by the people.
I doubt any two of us can agree at all times with all the specifics or the theories but we can certainly respect the motives and give consideration to the ideas if they are truly for the purpose described. What we probably can't support, on average, is a never ending quest to find something - anything even remotely associated - discrediting about one particular party or person. I classify much of that as lies, exaggerations, and distortions.
Pray for us all here in Texas as we now make our individual decisions about what actions to take as we prepare for hurricane Rita.